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Everything posted by Fillemannen

  1. Re: WTS. Timid deino 31 spd. -Offers- <t>350k b.o</t>
  2. i have the same problem, can't fight him when it says 0 mins cooldown :/
  3. https://gyazo.com/9e34ea5d9e52f07dd24e692eab1acbd9 600k!! add me in game: Fillemannen
  4. https://gyazo.com/243870d396c80230708a4956071b333f
  5. you give me a offer :D
  6. https://gyazo.com/f4da57d1589e1c2331b30d3e3382ab76 Looking for h.a dratini and all type of nice pokemons! Insta price 1,2m Only kanto and johto!!
  7. post pic and ur ign name and ill add u if im intrested! :Grin:
  8. Re: Hidden Ability Adamant Dratini <t>i bid 100k</t>
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