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  1. Am I the only one here seeing all the red flags?
  2. Post and subject updated, bump.
  3. Being in the help chat often and also being one of the people who constantly says: 'rates go in battle chat'. I'm not doing it to annoy them or just because rules are rules, but encouraging somebody who asks for a rate on his bold <Magikarp> by answering him, means he and others will post the rest of their pokemons more and more frequently eventually flooding the help tab and giving trouble to others who are also in need of help. The categorization exists so there won't be chaos. I might answer a hundred times a day where you can get HM01 - Cut, or how happiness works but at least that helps someone out who affects his story gameplay. Having to explain to every 2/10 rate WHY their Gastly isn't good, takes time and chat gets filled quickly, sadly those people don't understand that anything decent is gonna workout for their playthrough.
  4. As the title suggests I'm looking to buy Stantler clothes and Peach Kimono for 90k. For the sake of the coin seller's safety, I don't want coins to be transferred, but rather the clothes to be bought and traded through pokemons. Reply here or message me in game: Vanhven Thanks in advance.
  5. Re: Awsome Timid Eevee! (BO: 110k) <t>Not trying to sound rude but I'm really curious, what's with the outbidding one another by not even more than 4% ? Are you doing it to just annoy others or do you really want that pokemon and can't afford that much ? I'll bid again when OP makes up his mind on time and buyout price for it.</t>
  6. Re: Awsome Timid Eevee! (BO: 110k) <t>150k.</t>
  7. Re: Awsome Timid Eevee! (BO: 0k) <t>100k.</t>
  8. So I faced the Sudowoodo that wakes up with the squirt bottle (Johto, Route 36 or 37) and with a bit of effort I captured it and since it was level 25, higher than most of my other pokemons at that point, I decided to have it in my party as a reserve. Later on in a fight with a trainer, my leading poke died and when I tried to take this one out, it sent out another one, I didn't think much of it at the time because I thought I missclicked it. In a later fight Sudowoodo was my second option again, only that this time again, Cyndaquil went out again even though I clicked on Sudo. When Cynda died, I couldn't get Sudo out, but I was also unable to do anything else, other than closing the game. Any help is appreciated. Edit: Seems that after a game restart (and a long queue) it fixed itself.
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