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Everything posted by Pbwolf

  1. Re: Jaeco's shop (added Xmas themed Farfetch'd and lotads) <t>shellder 1 i bo 80k</t>
  2. 220k for glaceon
  3. Re: [ Ongoing Auction for Gligar ( Hidden Ability ) ] Hyoein`s Poke`Shop!! <t>220k for glaceron</t>
  4. Re: Death's Shop - Added Epic Piplup HA [Auction start for EPIC BUNEARY, Piplup-1 & Shellder-1] <t>200k for shellder 1</t>
  5. Re: Draxicor's Shop | Nice Pinsir, Umbreons & stuff ♠ <r>i'm in<QUOTE author="Draxicor"><s> </e></QUOTE> Alright bo for now<br/> <QUOTE author="PBWolf"><s> </e></QUOTE> Sure, I'll try to find you when I wake up<e> </e></QUOTE> im in game now</r>
  6. Re: Draxicor's Shop | Nice Pinsir, Umbreons & stuff ♠ <t>50k for 1st stunky</t>
  7. Re: [ UPDATE 2 ] 8 NOV HESHER POKEMON SHOP <t>70k for relax eevee</t>
  8. Re: Prophezzy's Black Market (EPIC Charizard Y & Scyther NEW) <t>100k for steelix</t>
  9. Re: Prophezzy's Black Market (EPIC Charizard Y & Scyther NEW) <t>100k for steelix</t>
  10. Re: Dae's Pokeshop- Epic Pineco, Umbreon and Pinsir <t>sorry where eevee 3?</t>
  11. i buy magmarizer
  12. Re: Dae's Shop- 30 30 spd spatk Jolteon!! added Umbreon, Blastoise, Pineco, and Blissey <t>80k for eevee 3 :D</t>
  13. Re: RayCefiro's Shop (updated 30/10/2015) <t>yeah i'm in game now :D</t>
  14. Re: RayCefiro's Shop (updated 30/10/2015) <t>my last offer - all my money :D - 80k for margikarp</t>
  15. Re: RayCefiro's Shop (updated 30/10/2015) <t>60k bid for margikarp</t>
  16. Dig can also get prism scale, shiny stone and king rock.
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