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Everything posted by Khanum
Khanum's Dungeon [NEW ADDITIONS! 9/1/16!]
Khanum replied to Khanum's topic in Pokémon Shops - Silver
I'll be online in 5 minutes. -
Khanum's Dungeon [NEW ADDITIONS! 9/1/16!]
Khanum replied to Khanum's topic in Pokémon Shops - Silver
Ferrothorn and Bisharp SOLD. -
Re: Epic relaxed ferroseed NEW INSTA <t>I messaged you. Offer withdrawn.</t>
Epic Talonflame added.
Re: Ferrothorn, Curselax, Gallade, & SS Kabutops <t>Ferrothorn SOLD</t>
Re: Jaccard1 PvP Shop [big Update 02/09 & Greninja Auction] <t>Insta Togepi :)</t>
Re: WTS EPIC TIMID GRENINJA <r>1.1m <E>:Cool:</E></r>
Khanum's Dungeon [NEW ADDITIONS! 9/1/16!]
Khanum replied to Khanum's topic in Pokémon Shops - Silver
Gliscor and Hippodown SOLD in-game! :y: -
Re: Ferrothorn, Curselax, Gallade, & SS Kabutops <t>Talonflame SOLD<br/> <br/> Ferrothorn added to auction!</t>
Khanum's Dungeon [NEW ADDITIONS! 9/1/16!]
Khanum replied to Khanum's topic in Pokémon Shops - Silver
Re: Khanum's Dungeon [NEW ADDITIONS! 8/18/16!] <t>Major Sale!<br/> Lots of Epic Pokes Added!<br/> <br/> Your Wishlist Is Now Here!</t> -
Khanum's Dungeon [NEW ADDITIONS! 9/1/16!]
Khanum replied to Khanum's topic in Pokémon Shops - Silver
Re: Khanum's Dungeon [NEW ADDITIONS! 8/18/16!] <t>New pokes added!<br/> Feat, Conke, Gyara, Cloyster, etc.<br/> <br/> Auction Link included also!</t> -
Re: Talonflame, Curselax, Gallade, & SS Kabutops <t>Curselax, Gallade, Kabutops, & Talon Added</t>
Philippines Favorite one is Swellow specifically Ash' swellow because of courage and tenacity. Why should you give me that simply because I don't have any headset right now and can't afford to buy one atm. Hope the winner could put better use to it. Thank you for making this event.
Uh yes it is. Life is VERY black and white. If you hold a serious job in the workforce then you should realize this. At any job place there are rules to be upheld. There is no "Gray" area amongst them, otherwise employees would just exploit them... People who live in gray areas are called "Opportunists". I feel sorry that life has put you in that situation. I rest my case.
It's not an argument, it's black and white, you either break the rules or you haven't and I played completely within them, no wrong doing at all. If they want to change them, sure no problem, but banning before then is unjustified as I literally did nothing wrong. Life is not black and white. You forget those who strive for balance, uphold principles, and earn respect. Those who live in the gray areas. If you successfully played completely within them, no wrong doing at all. Why were you banned then?
This is a very weak argument. We're talking about courtesy here. If you are losing and would like to surrender and stop the fight, just message your opponent to get it over with with a 1-minute sweep. At the end your opponent gets the coin and you gain his respect. Principles and high integrity should be the foundation of every rule. If you want to be on top at least have the audacity to accept defeat because losing is part of every game. We have to deal with professionally and learn from it as much as we can. Then they should fix it and put an actual leaver penalty in place or at the VERY least announce that it is now bannable. I found out through this thread, like some others have. Instead of just banning people they should have put something in place before ever releasing the pvp rewards. Surely there would have been some foresight that people would just leave upon the realization that they were going to lose. And since there was already a post from a GM/ADMIN etc stating that if someone leaves there arent coins AWARDED since its not actually a WIN, they should have also known that people would be leaving to spite them. Common courtesy. If they are going to issue bans they should at least feel they need to make the pvp community aware. This is not perma ban we're talking about. The admins give the necessary punishment for each case depending upon the proof and the severity of the situation. And like most players, I trust their sound judgement. It's case to case basis. This is just bandaid solution for the meantime in order to teach a lesson to people who intentionally abuse (note the word INTENTIONALLY). An actual fix would take time. However, you are right that they need to actually give an official statement that would echo to all servers not just the PvP community about bans, bugs, etc. not just here in the forums but a constant system reminder for example. That solution would be easier to abuse. I can ask a number of friends to queue PVP and boost me by disconnecting immediately and vice versa. That would be worse. But you are right this discussion is about healthy conversation no need to attack one another.
Simply because there are coins involved. People take advantage of not giving coins by simply disconnecting. If you are losing at least have the courtesy of finishing the match and give your opponent the coin. If you decide to simply lose it wouldn't take 1 minute. People like Naye and shewas18 were reported because they intentionally disconnect during fights. That's why you don't understand from the PVP players' point of view. These people abuse these things. There's no honor in it.
Khanum's Dungeon [NEW ADDITIONS! 9/1/16!]
Khanum replied to Khanum's topic in Pokémon Shops - Silver
Re: Khanum's Dungeon [NEW ADDITIONS! 8/18/16!] <r>Aerodactyl, Togetic, 2 Arcanine, Slowbro, and Machamp Sold In game<br/> <br/> Cancelled auction for Fletchfinder.<br/> <br/> New pokes coming soon! <E>:Cool:</E></r> -
Re: Jaccard1 PvP Shop [29/08] <t>Insta on squirtle 500k :)</t>
Re: EPIC Chansey & Gale Wings Fletch <r><QUOTE author="pictorialmai"><s> </e></QUOTE> I was not satisfied with the prices and decided to cancel the auction and use it in-game. I leveled it up to 100 and made it pvp ready. If you're still interested. Pm me in game :)<br/> <br/> <QUOTE author="Creyban"><s> </e></QUOTE> Please pm me in game if you're interested. Will be online in an hour. Thanks!</r>
Re: Sabrilemarocain Big insta shop {pvp ready and futur pvp pokes} <t>insta on the Guts timbur 450k :)</t>
Re: Sabrilemarocain Big insta shop {pvp ready and futur pvp pokes} <t>Would like to buy slowpoke and sassy larvitar.</t>