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Posts posted by Blackmalachite

  1. 218327
    218234 I've seen in the creativity section a lot of people making posts about the map creator and their creations with it; where can I download the program to do so myself? Thank you so much!

    You can download Tiled here: https://www.mapeditor.org/ and the PRO basic mapping pack here: https://www.mediafire.com/download/689535jyd81niib/PROBasicMapping.7z

    There is a short tutorial on how to start here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=473

    Thank you so much!

  2. 215924


    I feel just about the same way, his art style could also use some work, but it's not as bad as people make it out to be.

    I don't have a problem with the art style bar some odd choices here and there. The promo shot in the first chapter with Boruto and that guy he was fighting as adults was awesome.


    I know right! I can't wait to see how that plays out later on...


    I just feel like that's not going to be shown for at the very least a year tbh

  3. 215198
    214463 I've been keeping up with it monthly.

    How have you been feeling about it? I think he's dragging on the movie retelling just a bit too long.


    I feel just about the same way, his art style could also use some work, but it's not as bad as people make it out to be.

    I don't have a problem with the art style bar some odd choices here and there. The promo shot in the first chapter with Boruto and that guy he was fighting as adults was awesome.

  4. So as quite a few of you may know, the Naruto manga ended over a year ago at least.

    The anime is still drudging along at an increasingly lethargic pace, but it's getting to be near the end.

    Now the Boruto manga is in full swing, and it's currently just retelling the events of the Boruto movie (with the exception of a passage in the first chapter which skips many years into the future when Boruto is much older and gives a very... dark detail about the future)


    Are any of you keeping up with it? Did many of you even know it existed?

    Let's get some discussion going.

  5. 212003 Meh, when I saw the cast I'd already knew it was a total letdown. No offense against feminism but you can't change an entire franchise on a whim and make it work.

    I don't even particularly have anything against feminism (actual feminism aka equality, not this modern third wave nonsense)

    But when you take everything that made Ghostbusters fun away from Ghostbusters and make the focus about a stupid social rights movement, then you've got a steaming pile of bad movie.

  6. 212909 Thanks for the tips

    I mainly use adiocity , FL Studio , MagixMusic

    With emulator digital drum pad , turntable

    with real kaossilator , Yamaha keyboard ,bass guitar and more


    I also love music and is a huge part of my life I started as a bass player in a band then became a drummer in a nirvana cover band

    I can play 8 diff instruments and only started to dj for fun since I had all the stuff around to do so and fell in love with it after day one


    (I been jamming to your music for over an hour now its really good man) :y:


    Thank you dude! It sounds like you've had a really cool journey with music throughout your life.

  7. 213011 My moveset worked fine, and it was


    Shadow ball



    Dark Pulse


    I would say try to get it around lvl 85-90, ev trained


    Cool; I currently have Shadow Ball and Thunderbolt. However, where can I get Dark Pulse and how do I get the Psychic TM guy to not push me away every time I try to talk to him?

  8. 213006 Yup, hadn't thought of the others haha. You can still catch a houndour if you like, but tbh gengar is all you need for e4, as long as its trained right, and high level

    What's the recommended moveset + level for a Gengar E4 run?

  9. 212996 Well you team is decent and is a nice pack. As for Sabrina i suggest to lvl up a bit Gengar (you will need it for E4). I suggest to go Seafoam Island since you have Surf. You can easilly farm you team to an appropiate lvl of 60+65>>There is a nurse Bf 4 that will heal all your pokemon for 1500 pokedollars. Sabrina pokemon can easilly 1 shooted by dark attacks.(I think Fearow can also have+ bite + Assurance from you Primeape). Just do lvl up and you'll be just fine.

    Both my Fearow and Primeape have Assurance, my Arbok has Crunch, and my Gengar of course has Shadow Ball. Is Articuno still available in Seafoam? If it is I might try to catch it.

  10. 212972 Sabrinas poke are lvl 65, so yeah u lacking a bit of level. Thats probably the result of evolving them early.;)

    Full evolved pokes dont need to be on her level, what i suggest is leveling them a bit higher. Best way to do this is seafoam (u should have access to the place if u have surf)


    There u get easy and fast the level u need to beat her. 3 of your pokes are weak to psych-type so it would be good if they outspeed them.


    Good luck. :)

    No wonder I'm so underleveled. Jeez :confused:

    I'm gonna head on over to Seafoam as soon as the servers are back up after I nab a Houndour as well.

  11. 212965 You could try levelling up your gengar, its speed and s.attk will help, since it can learn shadow ball. I would also suggest ev training it if you haven't already :P

    if that doesn't work, you could try catching a dark poke, maybe a houndour or murkrow?

    Where can I find Houndour? My Gengar has Shadow Ball but it's still outsped by most of the Pokemon in the gym sadly.

  12. My team is currently Fearow, Primeape, Magneton, Arbok, Quagsire, and Gengar (Most of my Pokemon level wise are in their late 40s, with the highest being my Fearow at Level 48 if I remember correctly, I can't log on to check right now cause the servers are being worked on)

    The farthest I've gotten on Sabrina's battle is her Alakazam (usually I only make it to getting the Espeon halfway down though). Is there just a massive level gap, do I need to grind more? Or is there a way I can beat her with these levels. (Saffron's the last gym I have to worry about before Cinnabar and Viridian)

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