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Posts posted by Voidcraft

  1. Re: Wings Of Destiny & Wings Of Fate [RECRUITING] Blue Server!


    <t>1. What is your IGN: Voidcraft<br/>

    2. How many hours of game play do you have: 220 hours<br/>

    3. Why do you want to join: I'm looking for an active community to join.<br/>

    4. Do you use Discord: I have an account, but I rarely use voice. I do type often, though.<br/>

    5. Do you meet all of our requirements? If not, please let it be known: I do.<br/>

    6. If your application is successful what Pokémon do you want next to your username on our members list: Togepi<br/>


    Also, I'm glad to see this guild still exists. I remember it from the game it originated from.</t>

  2. I'm having trouble connecting to the Blue server, which is the one I primarily play on. Trying to access the Red or Yellow server allows me to log-in and play just fine. I've re-downloaded the client and tried opening and closing it multiple times. Any help would be appreciated.




    I see the logging in pop-up, which then fades to black - this indicates a ghost queue according to the FAQ. However, I've asked other people and they are easily able to log into the server, which currently isn't at max capacity which is why I'm posting this here.


    Edit 2:


    I'm not sure how or why, but restarting my computer allowed me to log back onto the Blue server. So confused.. but at least it's fixed. For now.

  3. I think keeping the trade system the way it is now is fine, because it's more easily moderated and controlled than having an auction house type system. The hover options for the pokemon show the stats easily and while it may be more convenient I'd say it's less entertaining to talk to and personally trade the pokemon.

  4. I'm glad to find a good online Pokemon game. I used to be a mod for Pokemon Omega and ever since that was shut down, I've been looking for something to play in my spare time on and off for years. I'm sad I'm only hearing about this game now but I'm happy that I found it!

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