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  1. Pm me here or in-game. Tks
  2. Sold. Thanks
  3. @MadhavXDarkU won the aution, i'll contact u in-game for compelte the trade
  4. S.O: 1m Min bid: 200k Insta: 6m 48hrs after first bid
  5. Thanks so much for taking time for my problem. I'll waiting for next time. Have a nice day
  6. Hi I'm a player from Gold sever, i have a problem with my Suicune quest I had more 900hrs+ playtime and i have water bell in my bag, i have defeat Suicune guardian 3 times on a row also. But 3rd times Suicune didn't appear, please help me check that. Thanks so much for reading my report.
  7. S.O: 800k Min bid 100k Insta: 2.5m 24h after first offer
  8. Up
  9. S.O 500k Insta 3m 24h After first offer
  10. Sold
  11. Want to buy 200c. PM me IGN: SanRuan
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