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Lopsidings's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting][Red Server] <t>◉ Name/IGN - Lopsidings<br/> ◉ Are you active in Discord? - Yes I am (My tag is Mallare#9077 for in case if I am not online)<br/> ◉ Where are you from? - United States<br/> ◉ What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? - 927h, took a break, but getting back into it<br/> ◉ What's your goal in PRO? Be well liked and to become better at pvp<br/> ◉ Why do you want to be part of Reborn? I'm basically looking for a PRO family and I've heard many good things about reborn, and I want to become friends with more people on the server<br/> <br/> Thanks, Lopsidings</t>
  2. Wtb purple/light blue shines post below or pm me in game ign:Lopsidings
  3. Would like to start gastrodon auction with 600k.
  4. WTB Shiny Meowth <t>Wtb shiny meowth trading a few good pokes! ign: Lopsidings. post here or pm ingame. Thanks!</t>
  5. pm here or in game, ign : Lopsidings
  6. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated Boss Cooldown Checker 06/11/16] <t>anyone know ravine's palkia moveset? ty</t>
  7. https://gyazo.com/ab9ce4bbffbcf53245fe7a974b9961de not the best but ill sell for 275k, ign:Lopsidings
  8. sick guide bro
  9. https://gyazo.com/8fff6c4f6de6b81ef349a02a1de5e41a 300k negotiable or willing to trade ign:Lopsidings
  10. Re: Xaphiar's Shop [services, Pvp pokes, Shiny pokes, Pokes] New: Reopened! <t>lileep 50k</t>
  11. sitzei pm me in game im interested ign:Lopsidings
  12. Kagawa could u delete this forum thread and the other 1 i didnt mean to make these and i cant seem to figure out how to delete them, thx
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