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  1. Fly is intentionally not programmed to work outside of battle. It was decided that way for many reasons. One example, perhaps the biggest, being the economy of the servers. Escape ropes are 550 each, iirc. Keep in mind there are around 1800 people at a time on the servers. This means a lot of escape ropes being used often, thus helping keep a good handle on the economies, so they don't get out of control. Escape rope from description was supposed to work in dungeons (caves and so on). Making fly work when you just sit on a route or when you are in a city and you want to go in another one doesn't sound too terrible, or at least make it send you to the last city visited. I just find it bad that it can't be used like in at least similar manner with it's original form. :Frown:
  2. I tried to use Fly many times, outside of battle, but it seems to not work, isn't implemented yet or what? :Ambivalent:
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