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Everything posted by Materger
Re: Wings Of Destiny & Wings Of Fate [RECRUITING] Blue Server! <r><QUOTE author="Farore"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> <QUOTE author="FrankoNo"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> Hello and thank you for your interest in joining our lovely family. I will send you each a link to our discord, please introduce yourselves when you get on and the leaders will evaluate how active you are from there on. Thank you once again for picking us to join. <E>:Grin:</E></r>
Re: Wings Of Destiny [blue Server] Expanding Soon - Apply now! <r><QUOTE author="ZeroHeroes"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> <QUOTE author="Shianjox"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> <br/> <br/> Hello and thank you guys for applying. There's currently a waiting list but feel free to hop on discord and introduce yourselves. I will be sending each of you a link to our discord. Once again, thank you. :)</r>
Re: Wings Of Destiny [blue Server] <r><QUOTE author="FearKl"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hello and thank you for your interest in joining our beautiful family. We currently have a waiting list, but feel free to chat with the gang on discord. I will send you an invite to our discord shortly. Once again, thank you. :)</r>
Yeah this would be awesome and keep things cleaner. I don't think any guilds apart from guilds who use multiple servers will mind. It would make things look so much cleaner and I don't think it would be so hard to add. ;c +1 Nice suggestion meng.
Too many to count. I think I've watched over 200+ animes and since I don't have a list of which animes I've watched I make the mistake of watching anime I've seen before and remembering that I watched it mid-way into the anime. :Frown:
I think it would be best if the Pokemon go down with their team rocket trainer. I mean yeah shiny Pokemon are cool and stuff but meh, just go out there and get lucky finding one. :Proud:
Re: Wings Of Destiny [blue Server] <r><QUOTE author="Aegal"><s> </e></QUOTE> -Requirements-<br/> "1. Mininum in-game hours of 100. (We can be flexible with this.)"<br/> <br/> Although it is listed as a requirement, our kind and sweet leaders can indeed be flexible. I joined this clan within basically my first day of playing. I had 0 hours of gameplay.I applied, was active on discord and in-game and boom here I am today telling you this. Our great leaders are old yet wise, I see no reason why you can't apply.</r>
Re: Wings Of Destiny [blue Server] <r>Lots of new people have joined us. I'd like to give a big warm welcome to all the people who have joined us on discord and enjoyed our crazy yet entertaining conversations there. Welcome boys and girls. :P<br/> <br/> <E>:Cool:</E> <br/> <br/> Bonsoir, Mademoiselle Allira. That fancy guild photo has to happen one of these days. ;w;!</r>
Re: Wings Of Destiny [blue Server] <r><QUOTE author="Mushrambo"><s> </e></QUOTE> If you're applying please use the correct format sir.Below I have the format needed. Thank you for your interest in joining us. <br/> <br/> "1. What is your IGN?<br/> 2. How many hours of game play do you have?<br/> 3. Why do you want to join?<br/> 4. Do you use Discord?<br/> 5. If your application is successful what Pokémon do you want next to your username on our members list?"<br/> <br/> <br/> <QUOTE author="Derp1ngSlime"><s> </e></QUOTE> Firstly, thank you for fixing the format issue and I would like for you to join us on Discord(A link can be found on the second post).Please introduce yourself and you can start to get to know everyone. The leaders will judge how active you are and add you when they have decided you met all requirements. Thank you once more and see you on Discord.</r>
Re: Wings Of Destiny [blue Server] <r><QUOTE author="kJib"><s> </e></QUOTE> <I><s></s>You're telling me that the main post here it's wrong? Because there says :<e></e></I> <U><s></s><B><s></s>47/50<e></e></B><e></e></U> <I><s></s>( with 2 nicks in <COLOR color="#FF0000"><s></s><B><s></s>red<e></e></B><e></e></COLOR> )<e></e></I><br/> <br/> <I><s></s>Uhm, k...I will wait a little bit.<e></e></I><e> </e></QUOTE> I said I may have been mistaken.I barely check that first page. x)<br/> Just get on Discord and chill with us meng!</r>
Re: Wings Of Destiny [blue Server] <r><QUOTE author="kJib"><s> </e></QUOTE> Currently, if I am not mistaken we're full, but when a spot opens up you could surely become a member. Your best bet on being a member is hanging around Discord and getting to know all the cool and strange people who lurk there. I wish you the best of luck and look forward to seeing you on discord if you decided to hop on. It's pretty fun in there and you'll always be entertained.The second post has a link to our discord channel and don't forget to introduce yourself! :D</r>
@JollyolNathan- Thank you kind sir. @Windypuff- I'll take a look into it when I can and thank you. @Deidara7- Yeah our discord chat gets rather entertaining most of the time. Do you use the same username there? Oh and anime + food = happiness. :Heart-eyes: @Aureolus- Thank you ever so kindly. I feel welcomed. >: D
Re: Wings Of Destiny [blue Server] <t>Day 5: The critters and monsters of the guild have appeared from the shadows and I don't have a chance of survival. The girls have also invaded our "guy talk". We will have vengeance. Seriously though thank you guys for accepting me as one of your own a few days ago. I appreciate being accepted despite it being my second day on the game. Thanks and I'll see who I can face in a few weeks. Muahhahahaha.</t>
Re: Wings Of Destiny [blue Server] Recruiting! <t>Day 3 or 2, yes I have indeed lost count due to lack of sleep and so far I am still trying to attain my 6th gym badge. I want to thank all of you who helped answer my newb questions and I want to give a shout out to CA Punisher for making me extra hungry on discord with those pizza pics. q-q You are true evil lol<br/> <br/> <br/> Anyways I wanted to ask, do I have to beat the E4 to move onto the next pokemon region( I am aware of my newb-like questions and deeply apologize for my lack of knowledge)?</t>
So far I have really enjoyed it. I just need to hurry with these gyms. Currently stuck at the 6th gym*sob*.