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Everything posted by Topsoulman

  1. Selling epic h.a. bulbasaur bold No time deadline/No insta added Will sell if I see good offers. Minimum bid must be over 2m I reserve right to take it down or refuse to sell if not satisfied.
  2. Only Insta's, first 5 are for auction sale over on selling shop as well. Insta: 1.6 milInsta: 1.2 milInsta: 1.2 mil Sold Insta: 800kInsta: 700kInsta: 500kInsta: 500k Insta: 500kInsta: 400kInsta: 350kInsta: 350k
  3. Trade forum will last 2 days and prices are listed. Will end Sept 29, 2:00 pm EDT. Bids are 50k/100k+ / ms = 400k Starting offers are: Milotic: 1 mil Kingdra: 800k Seismitoad: 800k Eelektross: Sold Gokhan07015 750k Ninetales: 650k Somes I reserve right not to sell if not satisfied with amount.
  4. Re: WTS: EPIC Dusknoir Adamant 6x21+IV's <r>Sold 800k insta to IVIaverick007<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh584/mhans334/Deal_zpsj4rnai8u.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  5. Starting offer: 600k Insta 800k Bid + 50/100k from last offer I reserve right to not sell if offers fake Auction time 24-48 hours
  6. 24 hour auction starts now. Meet up is in viridian. Fake bids are reported. Gl bidding!
  7. Staring offer is 500k. Insta is 700k.
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