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Everything posted by Txiciko

  1. sp attak+speed + HA magick bounce can be Iwin. So Espeon in full mode :)
  2. i never liked choice specs, for me its not nattural to 1hit tanks. Just nerf Toxic acc to 50% if not used by poison pkmn.
  3. Frome the start : Charmander Pikachu or snubull Ghastly Gayardos Hm slave Hm slave Ev train. Get proper nature. Do not evolve them (only gaya) and sweep game.
  4. 28y Old man there . I play more,and more in this amazing game. I rly enjoy this game and ppl. I Think ill stay there for longer. I play and love pkmn since i was 8y Old. And nothink was change. My favorite Type is poison, and thus i love all poison pokemons. But few of the have my most attention. This is Nidoking, gengar and weezing.
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