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About Miguelusas12

  • Birthday 05/24/1992

Miguelusas12's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Re: Shabrina's Shop ~ (NEW UPDATE 15 OCTOBER 2016) <t>insta on gliscor ^^</t>
  2. Re: Chronos' PokeHouse [New Pokemon Added 09/28] <t>any offer on blaziken??<br/> insta starmie here</t>
  3. Re: Ancient Times Guildshop (PVP Gods Auction running!) <t>400k Aggron</t>
  4. plz when you can plz fix pics i may buy some pokes milo i would start with 800k
  5. denied :D come up again
  6. 400k over here
  7. Sell this epic Magmar Minimum bid increment is 100k Start Bo:1M
  8. offer 1.1m
  9. Re: Curya's little shop :P 20/09/16 <t>bumpp btw thx gm</t>
  10. still have skarmory?? offer 900k
  11. Re: Curya's little shop :P 20/09/16 <t>bumpp</t>
  12. Re: Buying Ada Bisharp/Pawniard Defiant most around 20's atk 30/31 <t>bumpp</t>
  13. Like i say'd on the title i'm buying a Bisharp or Pawniard Adamant Defiant speed most around 20's atk 30/31 if you have one tell me :Grin:
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