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About Berok

  • Birthday October 2

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  1. To show IV's I don't think so but to train ditto for battling will be more challenging which this is the thing I wanted to do in this game. To train useless pokemon become great pokemon. :Cool:
  2. I wonder when will this Master Ditto will become useful. I'm still waiting for the times come. Do you guys have any ideas when it will be coded??
  3. Can you show your ss while wearing lunch box's outfit :kiss:
  4. Here I share what I have downloaded which can be use not corrupted; https://www.filefactory.com/file/3lzs5jtufthz/PRO64Haunter.zip
  5. Enjoy your day bro!
  6. Yah I got this
  7. Here some feature you will encounter so enjoy! :Cool: :y:
  8. I'm excited for the free stuff that we can get in any event :Cool: :y:
  9. You need to download new client and remove all your PRO file then try extracting new client to enjoy the game again. Here where you can download new client; https://pokemonrevolution.net/Downloads.php
  10. I once got banned which I don't know why that why i'm afraid it might happen twice but luckily all got the same thing. :Cool:
  11. Wuhuuu can't wait :Shy:
  12. What is this mean? Is it locked because of maintenance?
  13. I'm very agree with this where it can help player to do trading offline
  14. Berok


    :Grin: Vote Up bro!
  15. Berok


    It would be nice if you can make all the game control were control by keyboard or gamepad. For example, when we want to choose pokemon that have headbutt it needs us to use mouse to click on the pokemon which little bit annoying. Another one is when you choose item on the backpack, where wasting little bit time while reaching the mouse and click one by one on the item that want to use. So my suggestion if developer can make this game mouseless on pc it would be nice or make some shortcut key to open backpack and so on. I hope my suggestion approve by developer.
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