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Everything posted by Acetrainerkc

  1. PRO Username: Acetrainerkc Showdown Username: drawingblank2013
  2. Hey there, I was going to post my own guide for beating this dragonair, but since there was already a thread, I figured it would be better to just add my own experience in this one. I defeated Lance's dragonair in 3 turns. This wasn't my first run through PRO, but I hadn't really set out with curb-stomping dragonair in mind. I was actually attempting to get an early start on the Level 100 Rattata that's needed to get to the Hoenn region. Anyway, you only need one of three Pokemon to get this job done. Those pokemon are as follows; • Rattata (Earliest Obtainable - Route 1; Grass) Level 34 • Taillow (Earliest Obtainable - Cerulean City; Headbutt) Level 26 • Starly (Earliest Obtainable - Route 1; Headbutt) Level 17 The levels listed are the minimum they will be useful, and coincidentally the same level that all three of them learn the move Endeavor. The only other things you'll need besides Endeavor is another pokemon to act as your team lead (It can be any pokemon, except one with Sturdy), and a priority move on your Rattata/Taillow/Starly. (Rattata has the convenience of knowing Sucker Punch which can deal a little more damage, but Quick Attack on the other two will do the job.) Enter battle with Lance with your Rattata/Taillow/Starly at very, very low health (1 Health if you can manage it). Dragonair will probably Hyper Beam your lead on his opening turn. After your lead goes down, switch to the injured Rattata/Taillow/Starly and use Endeavor while the dragonair has to recharge. That should bring the dragonair's health to critical levels. On the following turn he'll be able to Hyper Beam again, and that's where the priority attack comes in. Use Quick Attack or Sucker Punch to eat the last few remaining HP on Dragonair before it can attack and you just beat Lance like he was nothing, and added insult to injury by doing it with some of the game's most common Pokemon.
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