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Everything posted by Nhoxkr

  1. Re: Rare Hunter's Shop Bou! Pokemon ..Update 3 <t>120k for duskull.</t>
  2. Re: Rare Hunter's Shop Bou! Pokemon ..Update 3 <r><QUOTE author="boubye"><s> </e></QUOTE> no sir u can offer. Thanks<e> </e></QUOTE> <br/> can you reup the image of Duskull?</r>
  3. Re: Kindredspirits poke shop! (New Arrivals) <r><QUOTE author="Beast53"><s> </e></QUOTE> that 's all my budget, Duskull will be my last choice for my team, so i want it to be mine if i can, in my possibility. If you want it, pay a higher price and the seller will consider :) my last offer: 160k + 2rarecandy<e> </e></QUOTE> so thats ur limit ef? 1 ms+ 40k+ 3 rare candys, u want candys u get candys :p<e> </e></QUOTE> ok you won :)) that was my plan :)</r>
  4. Re: Kindredspirits poke shop! (New Arrivals) <r><QUOTE author="Beast53"><s> </e></QUOTE> i wanted to sell ms = 130k and finally i sold it = 120k. trust me bro, noone want to buy ms = 140k :)<e> </e></QUOTE> its ur choice what ever u want to consider, if u think its low here - 1 ms+40k for duskull and for me -ms = 140k, u r a rick guy to sell it for 120k it dont bothers me much, ur money ur way<e> </e></QUOTE> that 's all my budget, Duskull will be my last choice for my team, so i want it to be mine if i can, in my possibility. If you want it, pay a higher price and the seller will consider :) my last offer: 160k + 2rarecandy</r>
  5. Re: Kindredspirits poke shop! (New Arrivals) <r><QUOTE author="Beast53"><s> </e></QUOTE> taking ms as 140k as it the price these days, ppl try to buy for 130k but how many sell them for that much?<e> </e></QUOTE> i wanted to sell ms = 130k and finally i sold it = 120k. trust me bro, noone want to buy ms = 140k :)</r>
  6. Re: Kindredspirits poke shop! (New Arrivals) <t>1ms + 20k < 150k (1ms ~ 120k-125k). <br/> My new offer: 150k + 2rare candy</t>
  7. Re: HESHER POKEMON SHOP [ UPDATE 1 ] <r><QUOTE author="nhoxkr"><s> </e></QUOTE> okay ill pm you if i already got it. lmk if you find it before i pm you<e> </e></QUOTE><e></e></QUOTE> of course i will<br/> <br/> i'd like to cancle my offer, i've got an epic stary u already, tks for your time :) goodluck :)</r>
  8. Re: Kindredspirits poke shop! (New Arrivals) <t>150k duskull</t>
  9. Re: HIGH GRND II(Epics,Uts,Comps) <t>75k for dustkull</t>
  10. Re: HIGH GRND II(Epics,Uts,Comps) <t>70k for duskull</t>
  11. Re: Rare Hunter's Shop Bou! Pokemon ..Update 3 <t>excuse me, have you sold your timid eevee yet?</t>
  12. Re: HESHER POKEMON SHOP [ UPDATE 1 ] <r><QUOTE author="HESHER"><s> </e></QUOTE> Timid Staryu SPD29+ SPATK24+ = 150-200k<e> </e></QUOTE> okay ill pm you if i already got it. lmk if you find it before i pm you<e> </e></QUOTE> of course i will</r>
  13. Re: bOmbEr shop Pokemon Epic <t>60k for adamant duskull</t>
  14. Re: HESHER POKEMON SHOP [ UPDATE 1 ] <r><QUOTE author="HESHER"><s> </e></QUOTE> I think ill start for sell it if find a good offer for eevee. and thanks for order, please re-order price with pokedollars or coins ( not accepting ms for payout)<e> </e></QUOTE> Timid Staryu SPD29+ SPATK24+ = 150-200k</r>
  15. Re: HESHER POKEMON SHOP [ UPDATE 1 ] <t>How about 40k for Timid eevee?<br/> Im looking for: Timid Staryu spd29+ spatk 24+ (1ms+??k)</t>
  16. Re: Rare Hunter's Shop Bou! Pokemon ..Update 2 <t>eevee timid sold? 50k for it?</t>
  17. Re: HESHER SAFARI POKE SHOP <t>40k for timid eevee</t>
  18. Sell instant with good offer!
  19. Welcome to my shop :) 1. Selling good status Pokemon. 2. Best offer will get the pokemon. A. B.
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