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About Yewla

  • Birthday 01/01/1997

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  1. will pay well but will depend on ivs ofcourse please pm me in game or reply.. ign Yewla
  2. Re: Nechrit's Lair. Lot's of new pvp-ready pokes! <t>you tell me a time that works for you</t>
  3. Re: Nechrit's Lair. Lot's of new pvp-ready pokes! <t>i will be on at 11pm est. Will u be on then?</t>
  4. Re: Nechrit's Lair. Lot's of new pvp-ready pokes! <t>gliscor 700k c.o to start can buy on 24th. Let me know please.</t>
  5. 800k tyranitar edit: please let me know what the buyout is for gliscor.
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