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About Cjtempestz

  • Birthday 10/15/1996

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  1. same issue with samsung s6 edge
  2. Re: WTS Epic Legendary Beast Bold Nature Cure SMEXY Chansey EV Trained lv 100 <r><QUOTE author="ramenl"><s> </e></QUOTE> Why would you want to evolve chansey? google evulite chansey<e> </e></QUOTE> Evolite not coded yet, but i'll buy it anyway to w8 for evolite to be coded</r>
  3. Re: Epic PVP Chansey, Bulbasaur, Tyranitar! <t>sorry thought 2# chansey was natural cure ability</t>
  4. Re: WTS Epic Legendary Beast Bold Nature Cure SMEXY Chansey EV Trained lv 100 <t>hi 800k is my offer, pm me in-game cjtempestz maybe we can insta :)<br/> <br/> edit: you cant evolve chansey lv100, right?? if not possible rip my offer :(</t>
  5. Re: Epic PVP Chansey, Bulbasaur, Tyranitar! <t>400k chansey 2</t>
  6. Re: Epic PVP Chansey, Bulbasaur, Tyranitar! <t>200k chansey 2</t>
  7. Hi im from Venezuela. My favorite pokemon is Umbreon and this headset should be mine cause im s3xy and i know it (?) Good luck everyone! :Cool:
  8. Re: WTS epic godlike Weezing <r>250k <E>:y:</E></r>
  9. i said i'll give everybidder 1 chance to bid back cause everyone was sleeping and its unfair. now u got last offer, sold u won
  10. 625 is c/o by gangganginthissb, no more chance to bid, if u bid higher u take it
  11. dont worry, u got c/o i'll w8 for last 2 bidders to give them a last chance as i said yesterday
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