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Stank's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Pm me in-game by using /pm you-=-stank
  2. Sold: swablu - treecko - chespin - ferro. Added: aero - another chespin - 2 froakies.
  3. Start
  4. Pray for him please!!!
      • 1
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  5. i dont have any rotom anymore sorry
  6. starmie sold
  7. greninja sold
  8. Cara eu não negocio por telefone estou online quase sempre, manda pm usando o comando /pm teunick-=-stank Sim eu tenho uma cc pra vender e aceito cc em trocas.
  9. rotom sold
  10. added rotom, swablu and treecko.
  11. against elm third team - sap pipper azumarill sweeps the team, cause medicham uses grass knot
  12. clauncher and tympole sold adding greninja
  13. togekiss sold
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