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  1. litwick 950k
  2. close pls
  3. hey i want buy a magmar armor camerupt and a brick break rampardos for mega stone quest just add me ingame Lavida or in discord lavida#2648
  4. Hello community i want to buy a gible or evo impish h.a with good stats. pm me ingame: Lavida discord lavida#2648
  5. hey i want buy the shuckle pm me ingame Lavida
  6. hy everyone i want to buy a shuckle calm sturdy msg me ingame Lavida
  7. sold pls close
  8. 1.2m or offer here or ingame ingame name Lavida
  9. nvm
  10. yes the rontom wash 2m
  11. wanna buy rontom :)
  12. im interested on togekiss
  13. https://prntscr.com/hptws4Dear stuff the best thing u done is open shinno and make so much work in the small things and events the best thing in the game is the game since i heard that the game exists i am young again :)
  14. price for shiny garde or dragonite ?
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