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  1. srsly, why not?
  2. Traded :D mod close please
  3. 100k for level 51 heracross
  4. start from 60k :D Auction end in 3 days, stats from "Nov 12, 2015 5:57 pm"
  5. Epic pokemon's here Epic pokemon's there Epic pokemon's everywhere that's why i think we should have a Shiny Battle Tower : D
  6. dota for 7 years dota2 for 4 years heroes of the storms for nearly 1 year LoL just 1 match, lol!!! cant hold on those little kids on that game
  7. after waiting for 8h, i suddenly see the server's status is online 1 sec later, the server gone offline
  8. Bro we can't see the image. just copy the link, maybe because i just have 1 post
  9. epic birdkeeper is epic!!!
  10. Great idea! Or make them have a special mark overhead if they can rebattle again, and the only way to rebattle them is talk to them I'm a pokemon hunter / seller, so it's anoying if they keep jump out and rebattle with me -_-
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