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Everything posted by Moody117

  1. Re: Iggi's Fancy Shop - Includes Epic Timid Fennekins <t>40k 2nd karp</t>
  2. Re: Rare Hunter's Shop Bou! Pokemon ..Update 2 <t>100k murkrow</t>
  3. Re: Dae's Shop- 30 30 spd spatk Jolteon!!added snorlax and chandelure <t>180k alakazam .. Tell me when auction on him ends</t>
  4. Re: Dae's Shop- 30 30 spd spatk Jolteon!!added snorlax and chandelure <t>150K for alakazam</t>
  5. Re: RayCefiro's Shop (updated 30/10/2015) <t>65k for karp</t>
  6. Re: RayCefiro's Shop (updated 30/10/2015) <t>50K starting bid for magickarp</t>
  7. Re: Prophezzy's Pokeshop *added scyther ada 31 attack* <t>i withdraw my offer of 150k on dragonite and will just offer for arcanine =80K</t>
  8. Re: Prophezzy's Pokeshop *added scyther ada 31 attack* <t>i offerd 80 K for the arcanine</t>
  9. Re: Prophezzy's Pokeshop *added scyther ada 31 attack* <t>Where is the bo update</t>
  10. Sry but all of them are random evs and bad natures/ivs would offer 30-40 k for blast or slamance
  11. Re: Prophezzy's Pokeshop *added scyther ada 31 attack* <t>80k for arcnine and 160 k for 1st dragonite.</t>
  12. 130k for swinub
  13. The jump from still images to x/y maybe to much for them at least make the animation like bw or hgss. Let them hear this its a really good idea tbh. :y:
  14. Re: ThatOneCcj's Shop [ Halloween Clothing! ] <t>would offer 20 K for that tentacool if deal pm me ING : Moody117</t>
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