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Everything posted by Reborn

  1. Banette insomia and Hitmonchan sold to Moonho.
  2. Rhyperior sold to Songvitien93.
  3. Gallade naive sold to Zeztah.
  4. Charizard hasty sold to Shabrina.
  5. Wailord, Gyarados and Umbreon sold to CucCutCuTe.
  6. Weavile sold to Gambilicious. Sorry, I sell it for 450k.
  7. They are still for sale. :)
  8. Starmie sold to Fiirdaws.
  9. All prices are insta.
  10. Weezing sold to BlessyZx.
  11. Changed the prices slightly.
  12. Hey, I need a new mouse anyways, so that's kinda nice. My old mouse broke two days ago and I use a really old mouse that doesn't work from time to time. :P IGN: Walrosskastanie
  13. Azumarill sold to an1ma.
  14. Jolteon sold to Buzzn.
  15. [glow=blue]Rules<i>[/glow]</i> 1. I sell the Pokemon without items. 2. I can refuse to sell the Pokemon, if I change my mind. 3. I accept only money! Klefki: 2m Tyranitar: 1,5m Ferrothorn: 1,5m Milotic: 1,5m Slowbro HA: 1,2m Kabutops: 1,2m Umbreon: 1m Umbreon: 800k Dusknoir: 800k Armaldo: 800k Medicham: 750k Weavile: 700k Sawk: 700k Blastoise: 700k Altaria: 700k Ninetales HA: 500k Gardevoir: 500k Flareon: 500k Stoutland: 400k Excadrill: 400k Wobbuffet: 200k Shroomish: 300k
  16. Gengar (350k) sold.
  17. I won't take offers for my pokes, I take only the insta prices. :)
  18. Arcanine (650k) and Spiritomb (800k) sold.
  19. Hey, I sell a shiny Omanyte. :) The b.o. starts at 2m for 24 hours. Insta is 2,5m. Have fun. :)
  20. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting] <r><QUOTE author="tamg24"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hey, I am from germany as well. :) Welcome to Reborn: <URL url="https://discord.gg/0yCDrLIU4SBsgl1i">https://discord.gg/0yCDrLIU4SBsgl1i</URL><br/> <QUOTE author="Tomaselli"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hey, I hope you will enjoy our guild: <URL url="https://discord.gg/0yCDrLIU4SBsgl1i">https://discord.gg/0yCDrLIU4SBsgl1i</URL> :P<br/> <br/> <QUOTE author="boomrauderz"><s> </e></QUOTE> Another one from Portugal. Maybe you two will be friends, if you aren't already: <URL url="https://discord.gg/0yCDrLIU4SBsgl1i">https://discord.gg/0yCDrLIU4SBsgl1i</URL> :D</r>
  21. Re: Just a Sup3r Shop [OPEN] <t>I bought Machamp insta price.</t>
  22. Re: Swagrotta's Personal Shop <t>Hey, I want to buy 2 Pokes, please add me ingame. IGN: Walrosskastanie</t>
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