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  1. Re: Origin guild (Blue and Red server) recruiting active players! <t>Ign: Mitsuki24<br/> Hours of played?: 300<br/> Favorite pokemon and why? : eevee, you can get so many different combinations from evolution<br/> Are you able to visit our discord server? I'm on discord on a daily basis<br/> Why should we accept you to our guild? Looking for a friendly guild, somewhere to listen in on information I didn't know about the game ^^</t>
  2. Came back from a break and looking for a semi casual guild, not really interested in pvp since I prefer to continue expanding my collection of pokemon but a guild for exp bonus would be nice ^^ >Have 300 hours in game >on discord daily
  3. I was just digging to get the items, then it appeared from one of the holes...very random :x
  4. Re: GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming} <t>1.What is your IGN(In Game Name)? Mitsuki24<br/> 2.How many badges collected and how many hours do you have? 8 badges, 181 hours<br/> 3.Why do you want to join Illusion? I'd like to join a guild, have a community where I can casually talk about pokemon. <br/> 4.Can you install Discord(100% needed)? I use Discord everyday<br/> 5.What is your fav poke(Curiosity)? All the Evee evolutions~ <br/> 6.Can you be active in the game but also in Discord? I've returned to pokemon revolution from a break (yes, I should be on everyday or so) and I use discord on a daily basis.</t>
  5. First one I encounter, thought it was suppose to be rare :Smile:
  6. 1. 97 hours of game time 2. France 3. My favorite pokemon would have to be Eevee since it can evolve into so many types~ I love having to take different paths of action in order to evolve each one uniquely, not to mention that they're all well designed (as in aesthetically pleasing). It takes longer than most pokemon to catch and then evolve all of them but that's part of the fun! As to why I want the headphones, I'm on my computer everyday and having a nice, new pair of headphones would enhance my experience while listening to music and playing games.
  7. Re: Wings Of Destiny & Wings Of Fate [RECRUITING] Blue Server! <t>1. What is your IGN? Mitsuki24<br/> 2. How many hours of game play do you have? 89hrs ( I would have more but with the server issues recently, it was hard to log on)<br/> 3. Why do you want to join? I'm looking for an active guild, a place to talk about pokemon (sometimes playing solo gets lonely)<br/> 4. Do you use Discord? yes, daily<br/> 5. Do you meet all of our requirements? If not, please let it be known. I believe I meet all other requirements except the minimum hours<br/> 6. If your application is successful what Pokémon do you want next to your username on our members list? Espeon ^^</t>
  8. Hello, I'd like to know which method is easier to use to farm EVs: -go to a location where you focus on one EV or -go to a location where I can farm for 2 EVs (I'd switch pokemon sometimes to get the EV on two pokemon at the same time)
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