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About Tanasaysdance

  • Birthday 12/12/1992

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  1. bump
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  4. Hello, I am having an issue obtaining the Squirtle mega evolution stone. At one point I accepted the stone quest, caught a Squirtle, showed this Squirtle to professor Oak; in clearing out my pc I released this Squirtle by accident and so I had to start the quest again with Oak. After getting the quest started again I went to Alto Mare map and caught another Squirtle of 100 IVs, I returned to Oak with it and showed it to him, he says it is the right nature but it is to weak. From all guides I have currently been able to find the IVs required for mega stone acquisition is 90+ some saying 91+; has this been changed? or is it a bug? How should I go about getting the Squirtle stone? Images of the conversation.
  5. @HappyMango Thank you so much they are indeed there. You can close or lock this thread now I see now other issues.
  6. Hello @AlCedo, Thank you so much; however I hate to bug the Cs team with another problem but, it would seem in fixing this issue I also no longer Have my Darkrai or Doublade I entered the quest with. Is this somthing that could be fixed or do I simply need to redo the Darkrai quest? Edit: After further looking I also have lost my clone bulbasaur acquired through the darkrai quest I will include a screenshot of said bulbasaur as well. Here is a picture of the said Darkrai before the issue occurred.
  7. Thank you @Maisa, Yes I can login now or at any time.
  8. Hello, Honestly you replying to my problem before any kind of moderator or CC is both awesome and annoying you'd think someone not being able to play the game AT ALL would be a top priority to fix. As for your suggestion thank you but the statues tell me my final battle still lies ahead aka I need to fight umbra and that's all they will say; as for umbra it is impossible to challenge him without any Pokemon to challenge with. Seriously though your help is very appreciated.
  9. bump Going on 72 hours still stuck unable to play.
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