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  1. i want a team that's overall good. right now im thinking about starting with starmie, breloom, and tyranitar. thoughts?
  2. https://gyazo.com/6ef8138e13cf40c119284663aabc70a5 just taking offers at the moment add be at Abakvs3 and pm me offers or post them here. If I get an offer in-game that trumps other offers I'll post a screenshot here.
  3. about to go to the moon. just wondering if the spawn rates for gible are at day or night? also if i log out on the moon will i be able to go back? what if i die to deoxys?
  4. Re: selling a lvl 25 Beldum (Hoenn), adamant nature and epic iv's <t>epic iv's and 6 atk.....<br/> reported for spam</t>
  5. or is it like the gym leaders?
  6. i heard that love island is the best in terms of exp farming before the victory road/e4, but it takes a lot of time. is it worth it compared to just farming in ice cave or something?
  7. i want to build a decent team before fighting the victory road/e4 so that i dont waste exp and also cuz im gonna use these pokemon for competitive eventually right now my team is: blastoise gengar tyranitar arcanine not sure what to use for 5th and 6th. i want a shroomish but cant find a decent enough one to ev train yet. any suggestions?
  8. is it worth it to do it before going into the victory road or should i just lvl my pokemon in the ice cavern
  9. can i evolve the same pokemon over and over again? for example caterpie or does it have to be a new pokemon each time?
  10. can i evolve the same type of pokemon over and over? like caterpie for example?
  11. cool thanks
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