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  1. Need some price checks pls :) want to sell them all and catch all that i need from begining and buy if i need this one i want to sell but dont know the prices :) just need normal prices for them nothing more pls if someone can help wood be good :) thnx in advanced :)
  2. Want to sell some good pokemons pm me with offer in game or here
  3. they nerfed it too much, like i say´d i am a master, pikaxe and membership user... and i´m almost just a membership user because of the sites... no point more to use it if they nerfed it that much. For 2 months i did not find anything good in the sites...
  4. Hello, I have an issue with the excavation sites already for 2 months now. There don´t appear anymore rare Pokemon like ( Timbur, Clauncher, yanma, pawniard etc. ) just the normal Pokemon. i have Membership and i am already a Master in archaeology. i asked an GM and he told me that the Issue is already Fixed but on my Account it still don´t work for 2 months now ?? Can someone help me thnx in advanced.
  5. Hello, I have an issue with the excavation sites already for 2 months now. There don´t appear anymore rare Pokemon like ( Timbur, Clauncher, yanma, pawniard etc. ) just the normal Pokemon. i have Membership and i am already a Master in archaeology. i asked an GM and he told me that the Issue is already Fixed but on my Account it still don´t work for 2 months now ?? Can someone help me thnx in advanced.
  6. WTB 6 Halloween Mystery Boxes pm me
  7. Hello o don´t know if this belong to this or no, but i have problems when i play on my 64bit operating system Win7 from the begin the problem exist.. when i playing the game my PC often freezes and i have to turn him off and again on. This problem i don´t have on my 32bit PC XP operating system. On the 64bit is the same if i use 32bit downloaded game or 64bit downloaded game it freezes always not time relevant sometimes i can play it for 4h nothing and sometimes i play just 15min and it freezes what can it be ? THNX
  8. thnx the bug is fixed now the teleport works :)
  9. Sry don´t work, now its even more bugged then before = the PCs say now " The software has already bean uploaded on this PC. Better check another one. There are still 6 PCs to find where the Software has to be uploaded,, and then i find and other one and then its 7 PCs to find... I add a file with the Screenshot of it. Thnx in advanced .
  10. Hello, I made the teleport quest in hoenn fixed all 5 comp. defeat wally and now i cant use the teleport dont know wats wrong... when i spoke with wattson there is not the right text that he should speak... is it a bug or something sry for the long text.. relogged didnt help.. wattson still say "i would appreciate it if u help me with the major incident occuring currently in New Mauville" can someone help me ? Thnx in advanced
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