1 - My name in PRO: AlmaNegra. I play on the RED SERVER.
2 - I have 1469 hours playtime. I have all badges ( Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh )
3. I am 28 years old. I am from Curitiba - PR /Brazil
4. I will catch all legendarys, just missing the genesect, heatran, azelf :(
i love pokes shiny, and i'm starting in the ranked \o/
5. I am very active, very friendly and happy \o/
6. Yes, I was in a guild but I went because no one was online. ( My guild was The Reapers )
7. My favorite pokemon are Raikou, Volcarona, Piplup and Fennekin shiny \o/
8. Yes, I can come visit your group in discord,
my discord is: LeandroAlma#5242
9. Yes, I can all guilds and pro rules to follow. XD