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Everything posted by Asadalimalik

  1. I find it hard to believe that there are negative comments here that state either that it is impossible or hard I think believing in yourself is the key to all doors. :Angel: GL to everyone :Grin:
  2. Hello, my name is Asad and i would like to win this Nintendo because it would be my first console. The reason that this would be my first console is because my father never wanted to buy me a console as according my father it is waste of money and has no point in it. Why doesn't my father understand :Frown: So I hope this could be my first console, anyway good luck to everyone and have a good day. :Grin: IGN: Asadalimalik Country: Australia proof of sharing:
  3. Thank you <r>Thank you very much and I apologise deeply for my inconvenience. I wanted to complete the whole storyline without any walkthrough videos but when i got stuck I looked for a video but couldn't find any.<br/> I am extremely sorry for wasting your valuable time. <br/> <E>:Frown:</E> <br/> Thank you and have a great day.<br/> <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  4. Hello :Grin: I am Asad Ali Malik and i need help. I have been stuck in Mossdeep city as it is not allowing me to proceed and the reason behind it is that i haven't got the badge. But i got the badge already as i have won against both of the gym leaders. What do I do? Please help! :Frown: Thank you for listening to my request and using you your valuable time. Have a great day! :thanks: Special Thanks (for helping): PharaoMage, Leichan and yveltalray
  5. Re: Reality recruiting-{Blue Server}-{Events upcoming and happening!!!} <r>Hello my name is Asad and I would love to join this guild. <E>:Grin:</E> <br/> <br/> 1.Can you use discord?<br/> Yes<br/> 2.What can you do for our guild(Why would we want you)<br/> Well that depends on your guild's needs but i am active, friendly and respect everyone. A value that everyone likes about me is that i never give up.<br/> 3.Can you be active on both discord and in game?<br/> Yes<br/> 4.What is your favorite pokemon?<br/> I love all pokemon that are useful but if i had to choose i would say Tyranitar and from legendary Dialga.<br/> 5.How many badges and game play hours do you have?<br/> I have played approximately 108 hours, have 16 badges and have beaten Johto Elite Four.<br/> <br/> Thank you for giving your valuable time to read this form and i wish you have a good day. <E>:thanks:</E> <br/> Bye <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  6. Re: ▲BLAZE▲⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO⎪[uPDATED Guild Shiny Showcase] <r>NVM the first time i come back to this game i beat the Johto Elite Four. <E>:Smile:</E> <E>:Grin:</E> <br/> But i still want to join. <E>:thanks:</E></r>
  7. Re: ▲BLAZE▲⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO⎪[uPDATED Guild Shiny Showcase] <t>Before I answer the questions given by you, I would like to say that i stopped playing pokemon revolution online for a about 5-6 weeks as i got a little bored by losing to Johto elite Four may times. I hope to get into this guild as i want to start getting into pokemon again.<br/> <br/> 1. What is your nickname in PRO?<br/> My name in pro is AsadAliMalik but you can call me Asad.<br/> <br/> 2. Which one is your favourite Pokemon and why?<br/> I would say that i like all pokemon equally but from legendary my favourite is Dialga as I started my first online game (unovaRPG) with a pokemon that i didn't like, so i traded it for any other pokemon and got Dialga, which i stuck with the whole game. My second favourite is Tyranitar as it was my second best and favourite pokemon after Dialga.<br/> <br/> 3. What is your final objective in PRO?<br/> What is the true purpose of playing pokemon? (To be the very best or close to very good)<br/> <br/> 4. How many hours did you play on Red?<br/> 104 h<br/> <br/> 5. Age: 14<br/> <br/> 6. Do you have a PVP Team? (its ok if you don't have one)<br/> No, sorry for my inconvenience.<br/> <br/> I hope you pay attention to my message and i sincerely apologise for using up your valuable time. Thank you for reading and have a good day. Cya</t>
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