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Posts posted by Procrogamer



    Smartest: Arceusizgod

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    Comeback Player of the Year: Black

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    Most Experienced Player: Black

    Best/Funniest Username: ilovepussy (he kinda got banned for obvious reasons, my 3rd pick for Most Missed :p)


    Most Professional Guide Maker: Waleed1301 I guess

    Most Professional Discord Moderator: Waleed1301 too I guess




    Best Mapper: Tempa

    Best Artist: Sirmeowington

    Best Community Coordinator: TrollDaddy

    Best Moderator: TrollDaddy

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    Best Staff Username: TrollDaddy

    Most Professional Staff: TrollDaddy

    Most Dedicated Staff: Caged

    Funniest Staff: TrollDaddy

    Friendliest Staff: TrollDaddy


    Most Honorable Former Staff: Fluffles

    Most Missed Former Staff: Fluffles

    • Like 2
  2. As the title suggests, I cannot battle the boss George in Pewter City Jail despite meeting all the requirements. I have beaten the Legendary Beasts quest, evidence for that is a screenshot of a Suicune I caught. On PRO Wiki it is stated that Legendary Beasts Quest must be beaten and afterwards I have to speak to Warden Noisia to battle the boss. I speak to Noisia, but he gives random conversation how he was promoted and hates guard duty. Cell doors of George's cell are still locked and I cannot battle him. I also talked to every NPC there just in case, but nothing helps.











  3. Then read this if you think Staff would agree with you


    [ATTACH type=full" alt="112080]112080[/ATTACH]

    Again, quote me where I said staff agree with me. You clearly do not completely understand what I am talking about, so I'd advise you stop wasting my time with irrelevent responses. I have CLEARLY suggested nerfed version of EXP Share and even said myself that I would be okay if Devs nerf it even more than I did, but you just read TL;DR even tho I said you should not make judgement based on TL;RD, but okay. It is clear your reacting to this is negative. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go be busy with productive things in life. Have a nice day.

    • Like 1
  4. now you are being offensive for the fun of being offensive.

    I'm pretty sure staff would agree with me that a mmo isn't mean to be easy with everything given to players.

    No, I just don't like selfish people. They really are not cool.

    I am not asking for things to be given, nor are things being given as it is. Quote me where I said I want things to be given to me.

    I said I want that people are rewarded for their effort and not their luck.

    Also, not everyone has 7 hours of free time to level up a single pokemon to level 100 so no point in making it harder for everyone just because of minority that want it harder for everyone. Just leveling a pokemon like Chansey can take about 4 hours for average player. Maybe more. PRO developers gave people option to make things harder for themselves, it is not their nor other player's fault that you feel entitled not to use it.

  5. in that case I have to create myself difficult, we need it to be like this for everybody.

    Nope! Why? Why are you all so selfish? PRO developers gave you a way to make it harder. It is your problem that you refuse to use it. Pokemon was aimed at children after all, not sweaty unemployed adult men :p

  6. -1000 on xp share, life isn't meant to be easy. Pro is a mmo, mmo are meant to be hard not fun or fast.

    Instead I think they should make exp required to level up higher, to makes harder leveling up to 100 a poke. In pro it's way too easier than main games.

    I have a lifehack for you then. When you are leveling up pokemon, make sure you evolve them to final stage, that will make sure your pokemon takes 2-4 times as much xp as it should, also go train in Diglett Cave, Pokemon there are like level 20 so you should have yourself a really hard grind up to 100!

    • Like 1
  7. Well, I disagree with the IV and Hidden Power part completely. I would agree with one thing however.


    Getting to choose what hidden power we want would remove a LOT of the RNG in my opinion, and too overpowered/benefitial, IMO. This is an mmo, and whether we'd like it or not, I think the difficulty and rng should stay here. Everyone with perfect hidden power in their pokemon would make it pretty absurd. I don't want to go very long on the matter, though I might edit it and make it longer.


    However, I understand the issue with minimum IVS in legendary pokemon, and would instead suggest that all legendaries when caught should have atleast 5IV in each stat. You could still get a pathetic legendary, but not beyond pathetic. Although I'm against my own idea, I love memeable low IV trash legendaries and pokemon. IV rerolls aren't THAT expensive, even if it's a complete lottery, that money can be easily farmed. So -1 on the first one. I still understand the frustration that RNG can have on legendary IVs and the work they have behind, but I don't think awarding everyone guaranteed hidden powers and decent IVs is a really good idea in an MMO.


    Exp share is a -999 imo. Would make PRO even easier than it already is and absurdly basic and easy to train. I could train entire teams in less than 30 minutes by just having one pokemon sweep everything in ccave. It's just beyond overpowered. I would however accept that the 150k exp cap is increased or removed, it's sometimes annoying to not get that extra exp, but I understand removing it might make leveling too overpowered and easy.


    There are cheese strategies you can easily pull off to train happiny and chansey and tanks with: just teach them the move toxic and make them fight pokemon that have neutral type advantage moves (or you resist them) and that target your best defensive stat. For example, fight wild psyduck, golduck, slowpoke and slowbro in ccave, toxic them, then simply stall 5 turns and gain absurd amounts of exp. They can easily do it with recovery moves. You can also false swipe and then revenge kill, or do the memento leech seed strategy. Rare candies aren't that hard to get either and they're pretty cheap.

    I guess that cost of things is subjective. I have almost 900 hours and I only ever encountered 3 shines and only caught 1 epic pokemon. You like RNG in this because it is kind to you, I am someone who gets really bad RNG, atrocius to the point that game becomes nothing but frustration and rage because I wasted 3 days trying to encounter just 1 Halloween form Sneasel, who has 1 in 50 odds, not too bad, yet after several hundred encountered Sneasles not a single is Halloween. I respect your opinion, but it is a bit selfish. Not everyone encounters pokemon that they can sell to whales for several millions to get IV reroll. 900h in the game and 600k is a lot of money for me, especially when I get bad RNG. You are basically saying that people should get rewarded if they are lucky enough and not based on their effort, which is my suggestion. I went through God knows how many days of hunting only to find a pokemon that is far from optimal for PVP which is only important thing in the game really. Oh, and I played a lot of MMOs, ESO, DCUO, COH, WOW, GW2, WF, MHO are only few on top of my mind, so I know a lot of RNG, but none of the games above have ever given me nearly as much frustration or make me feel unappreaciated to play them as much as PRO did. I'm sure PRO is fun when you get rewarded for you effort, but when you don't, it's only frustration, rage and bad feelings.


    As for XP share, again, YOU DON'T HAVE TO USE IT!

  8. I have few reccommendations that I feel like could be better about this game. I have something to reccommend about spawns, but I am going to collect data first and post it on proper sub. However, there are other things that I could see being better.



    I'll start with Legendary and Mythical Pokemon.

    They take quite a bit of effort and work to get, some, like Mew, can be obtained somewhat easily, then ones like Latios/Latias are huge pain to catch. And you can only catch them once, you can't hunt for the better or soft reset to try get better one. Nope, you get one shot then you have to deal with what you get. Legendaries have fixed Ability that they can have and can't be shiny so that problem is out of window. However, synch can still fail when catching and IVs can be really bad. I think Nature Reroll is handled well, it costs about 300k-350k in game money if you don't want to go through hassle of getting it yourself and that's a fair price in my opinion because you can pick a nature. That's fine and good. However, IV rerolls are different. They cost twice, and are completely random. You can spend a fortune and get pretty low IV Legendary Pokemon and I see that as a problem (and have an idea for solution). This year there is NPC in Necropolis that offers free IV reroll for any Legendary/Mythical Pokemon you have AND lets you keep one IV stat untouched AND (if I remember correctly) allows you to refuse the reroll if the reroll is inferior to previous one. That is great improvement over what was before. Here is my idea of what can be improved.

    In Pokemon GO for example, when you catch a legendary pokemon, that pokemon's lowest IV sum equates to 67% or 10/10/10 out of max 15/15/15 (Attack, Defense and HP/Stamina IVs). Make that in PRO, when you catch a legendary, lowest possible sum of IVs cannot go bellow certain number and then randomly disperse that sum across stats. Or if not when catching a Legendary, but when Rerolling IVs. You can pay fortune and get Pokemon that is not useable for PVP because of low IVs, it is possible, it happens and there are people that it happens to. This would allow all players to have at least a decent Legendary Pokemon by decreasing the whole RNG thing. Another great thing would be if you could choose Hidden Power that your Pokemon would have. Considering how Hidden Power works, that will not affect quality of IVs at all and some pokemon (like Heatran) can benefit a lot by having Hidden Power of certain type. Chasing good IVs AND Hidden Power is... Yeah... I'm not even gonna do the math on how astronomically low the chances are, then put to cost on top of it all... See what I mean?


    Basically, keep the difficulty of obtaining Nature and IV rerolls tickets the same, but let us at least get decently rewarded when rerolling IVs by having a minumum sum of certain percentage of IVs dispresed across all IV stats. Example, lets save that minumum sum is 50% of total IVs, disperse that number of IVs randomly across all stats. That lets us controll what we get to an extent. Also, let us pick Hidden Power we want because it is astronomically low chance to chase a desired Hidden Power with IV rerolls and that would only determine wether vertain IVs are even or odd, not determine quality of IVs.



    About EXP Share that could exist in this game.

    EXP Share is major part of original games, it doesn't exist in PRO because PRO's goal is to be as difficult as possible, yet somewhat enjoyable and beatable. That's cool and all, but there are certain pokemon like Happiny/Chansey that are so difficult to level up it is easier to just spend money on 30-50 Rare Candy because you will just earn more punch money in the meantime training something else than you will spend leveling up Happiny or Chansey. Pokemon like that are super diffucult to level up and I think I also have solution to that. EXP Share in newer games is a bit OP for PRO's standards, it's perfectly fine and fun for official games (Pokemon is aimed at kids after all and kids are not hardcore players), but would change the PRO to much. EXP share that I have in mind would be nerfed, but still help out a lot for training pokemon like that. EXP share that I have in mind would work like this: lets say you have party of 6 Pokemon in your team. All 6 Pokemon are cappable of leveling up. Total XP reward for beating opponent pokemon is 100000. The first Pokemon that battles would recieve half of it, 50000, and other 5 would recieve the other half, dispersed evenly per number of pokemon left in your party, in this case being 10000 XP per pokemon. If you have only 2 Pokemon in your team it would be 50/50, obviously. If you would have 3, it would be 50/25/25. Thought, this would have to change how XP is rewarded, because same Pokemon DOES NOT give fixed amount of XP when beaten. Here is an example, in Cerulean Cave there is level 64 Arbok. If you beat that Arbok with lets say level 5 Rattata, that Rattata will recieve 150k XP (which is max amount of XP obtainable per battle) when at such low level. If that Rattata would be level 88 for example, it would only recieve about 50-60k XP for beating that exact same identical level 64 Arbok in Cerulean Cave. I guess this is meant to prevent players from grinding levels early on? I do not know. I feel like this is balanced thing to add and if PRO staff feels like this is good idea, but they want to adjust/nerf it even more (for whatever reason they may have) I'd be okay with it so long as things are more enjoyable and less frustrating. Keep in mind, if they do add this AND you think it will make things to easy, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO USE IT! Okay? Easy!







    Legendary/Mythical Pokemon

    When rerolling Pokemon letting us lock 1 IV stat to not be changed, dispersing a certain number of total IVs randomly across IV stats, but make that minimal IV sum be equal to a certain number like 50%, to make sure player gets somewhat useable Pokemon at worst case scenario. Let us pick Hidden Power for our Pokemon when rerolling IVs, because that won't impact IVs, but wether IVs will be even or odd, won't impact the quality. Finally, keep the option where you can refuse to keep the changes made by rerolling, and reverse it back to previous IVs.


    EXP Share

    It is nerfed compared to what it is in modern games so just read the whole thing if you are wondering.

  9. Back when I cought it, it was 2nd best on red server. Even after new servers I am sure it is still in top 5 best. Due to insane response i will do an auction of the forum. There is no insta because I want to get as much money as possible. I have right to refuse selling this Happiny to BO if I feel I didn't got as much as I wanted. Auction will last for few days (I got insane response so I am unsure how long will it last). If you made an offer, you have agreed to these terms.


  10. Dusk Until Dawn




    The guild credo


    Become part of a guild centered around dedication and mutual help.

    This guild is not only seeking ingame activity, before everything else we are a family.

    Anyone can fit in if they so desire we accept evereone from the casuals that only play to catch them all to dedicated trainers and PvPers .





    * Be at least 16 years old

    * Follow PRO's ToS and Rules

    * Use discord on a regular basis

    * Have a sense of humor and being tolerant



    How to apply


    Use the example below to apply ^w^


    * What is your ingame name?

    * How old are you?

    * Do you use Discord often?

    * Where are you from?

    * What is your goal in PRO?

    * Do you play any other game?

    * What is your favorite pokemon and why?

    * Show a picture of your trainercard


    Feel free to add a small introduction of yourself or anything you feel like sharing ~



    My ingame name is Procrogamer (don't @ me, I was 14 back then)


    I'm 17


    I use Discord often


    I am from Croatia


    My goal in PRO is to have fun and meet new people


    I play other games, yeah


    I don't have a favorite pokemon


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