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Posts posted by Legomarcher

  1. 49311 Worse than what i thought. So if it has been longer than 10mins (of the server being online) and your having this issue

    You are as other staff has called "data locked" "deadlocked"


    You will have to wait till the server reboots(crashes etc)


    I have personally tried myself to help a user having a similar issue


    I tried kick, ban then kick(unbanned followed),kick permantant ban, kick(unbanned followed) and some other commands i cant say/list


    None of it helped what so ever, the user was still glitched. After a server reboot you SHOULD be able to log back in


    I'm sorry to inform everyone of this bad news, but i figure it's better than no news what so ever.


    Do you know if the servers will reboot before the event ends cause i sorta want to get to do it haha xD

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