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About Oujnine

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  1. well due to lack in possible ways to purchase coins people's only choice to buy ms is through providers but lately prices have gone so high some sell it for 500k/600k and people buying it that will hurt the server economy for sure many games have ended due to the bad management of server economy :/
  2. Hi! I'll buy low lvl pokemon with good nature/ivs pay up till 100k however my price depends on the pokemon. all you have to do is screenshot your pokemon i"ll contact you if i'm intrested :Smile:
  3. it's nothing "good", it's just a random page with info I put everywhere. everyone can do that. :boot:
  4. Can you share it pls :Smile:
  5. really if its true thx a ton :D
  6. i aggre that's the case for many bosses..Hope they can fix it
  7. he meant playing different account on the same computer i've tried that too apparently the application don't allow it have you anyidea why?
  8. Re: Wings Of Destiny & Wings Of Fate [RECRUITING] Blue Server! <r>1. IGN oujnine<br/> 2. 310hours so far<br/> 3. well 've seen your flag pretty much everywhere and i want to know the feeling of being in a big family in this game<br/> 4. I dislike using any vocal software for personal issues<br/> 5.apart of not using Discord i guess i met all your requirements and i'm 23 by the way <E>:Shy:</E> <br/> 6. Granbull ..Its always fun to see people ragequitting after my Granbull oneshot the half of their team in pvp <E>:Angel:</E> <br/> <br/> Hope i can join <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  9. i'm from Morocco, my favorite pokemon is psyduck i want the headset to calm down my psyduck he run everyday with me covering his ears ..the poor thing.. a headset will help him ease his pain and his arm :D:
  10. i know but its there i need a hammer to bring doun that sand castle
  11. i'll let the picture talk
  12. So as the topic suggest this game really need a pokeshop at least 1 in any region, i know there's the trade channeel but let's be honest here it's not that efficient and most of the time you get "scamazed" by trollers also there's no price check in the game, so the need to a pokeshop when you can put your pokemons your items to sell that will be a nice aaddition.. not to mention this is an mmorpg, after all shopping's store are a basic thing of any mmo out there so please dev's can you works something out, this will be helpfull to the growing comunity of pro. Here's some suggestions: -the pokeshop will be available in the 5th gym's city -you can put pokemon's exclusive region in the pokeshop region i mean you can't sell johto's pokemons in kanto's pokeshop -a tab exclusive to items -a period of time a limited number of pokemons and a tax like any mmo (please no big taxes O:) ) i've started the game like 1 month ago and now i still can't get myself out of it. i'm totally into this game and i really want to see it hitting big numbers in the future because its totally worth it !
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