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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Can someone price check these pokemon?
  2. Reserved for you. Tell me when you will be online
  3. 2 medium fast + 1 slow
  4. Discord: jonatasbraz PRO: - jonatasbraz - eltonservices Payment methods: - Pokedollar - Coin Capsule (350k) - Rare Candy (7k) -- EV Service -- Opening Hours: - Wednesday (from 19:30PM UTC) - Thursday (from 19:30 PM UTC) Ofensive Pokemon: - 40k Defensive Pokemon: - 50k Get a free EV Service after each 10 done -- Leveling Service -- Opening Hours: - Friday (from 19:30PM UTC) Final Level: - 97 Experience Groups: Erratic/Fast/Slightly Fast: - 75K Slightly Slow/ Medium Fast / Slightly Slow: - 100K Slow: - 150k Fluctuating: - Do it yourself
  5. sold. can be closed
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