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  1. hot to start the event?
  2. Re: Mala's Shop(Slaking added) <t>looking for good offers</t>
  3. Re: Mala's Shop(Slaking added) <t>up</t>
  4. Re: Mala's Shop(Slaking added) <t>up</t>
  5. up ^
  6. read please no auction happening , if the offer is good=deal simply is that
  7. ok sir
  8. .
  9. RULES: 1. only pokedollars and trades pokes=pokes are allowed no ms 2. if the offer is good the pokemon will be awarded that simple 3. low/not good offers will be ignored :Heart: [glow=yellow]Epic SHiny[/glow]
  10. BUmp still looking
  11. PRO Username: malatato Do you have active membership?: Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? i've been leveling and catching happiny in the love island What have you already tried to solve the problem? don't know Description and Message Merry Christmas to me :( Can I know why i'm banned for exploiting bug cause I don't remember doing such things, In fact i've been a loyal and good Pro player since the start of my play, please let me know what I have done wrong and if I still have a chance to play again.
  12. Re: The Secret Shop (Youraxx27) Pokemon you say?? Part.1 <t>100k delphox</t>
  13. i'm walking in the festival town then i thought that i was disconnected that's why I just closed my pokemon revolution client then i open it again and i can't log in it anymore cause it says that it is already logged in -_- what to do :Frown: I hope you can help me with my problem :)
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