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  1. Re: Karthus' Shop (Updated: 23/8) staryu, epic sneasel, staraptor, +3 new pokes <t>800k sneasel</t>
  2. Re: Karthus' Shop (Updated: 23/8) staryu, epic sneasel, staraptor, +3 new pokes <t>550k Sneasel</t>
  3. (Nvm. Gonna retract offer)
  4. Re: Karthus' Shop (Update: 20/8) timid staryu <t>500k for sneasel</t>
  5. WTB Epic or Godly Snorlax. Add me in-game: Isneezd Or send screenshots on here and I will offer. Or send screenshots with offer.
  6. Re: Epic medicham adamant <r><QUOTE author="Jiratinaty"><s> </e></QUOTE> Sorry, bo start 500k.<e> </e></QUOTE> I said 350k because no one will start at 500k man. Trying to help you out.</r>
  7. Re: Epic medicham adamant <t>I offer 350k.</t>
  8. Re: WTS GODLY Clawitzer <r><QUOTE author="Jirraht"><s> </e></QUOTE> Dont gotta tell me twice. You can retract your offer if you want. I wont cry.</r>
  9. Re: WTS GODLY Clawitzer <r><QUOTE author="Jirraht"><s> </e></QUOTE> Will like to try for higher bid. If you wait then I will keep this topic updated</r>
  10. Since I can't seem to get actual offers in-game. I decided to come to the forums. https://prntscr.com/c607ob b.o. at 1.5m NOW SOLD
  11. [glow=blue]WTB Godly Shuckle with Contrary.[/glow] [glow=red]IGN:[/glow] [glow=yellow]Isneezd[/glow] Post and offer here or add me in game. I'm on rn. (8/12 12:42am Central Time) If I'm not on send offers to [glow=yellow]Nhl295[/glow] in game.
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