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  1. I have always problems with quests in wich you must lvl a certain pokemon and to lvl up a pokemon wich you will never ever use again is just stupid the quest shud be like show me a lvl 100 pokemon then it woud be ok but not this way. and then the argument that you can lvl up a pokemon to lvl 83 in 1 hour is just a little blind to lvl from 1-80 is equal 80-90 equal 90-95 equal 95-98.5 equal 98.5-100 so in my calculation this is like lvling a pokemon for 5 hours that you never ever will use again. 4000 Players registert are doing the quest that means 20'000 hours of gameplay for lvling a rat. are you seeing my point. this is like 20'000 hours /8 for working day 2500 days /365 = 6.8 Years. So if like maybe 1000 player do this quest this is still 2 Years or 5000 hours of senseless gameplay. to change the quest from lvl rat to 100 to just lvl 1 pokemon to 100 woud be a great change. thanks for this great game greetings Alcatras
  2. well respect to the staff about hoenn if i had a rat lvl 100 just like insta it woud not be a problem but i don t even have a pokemon lvl 100 pls staff change this it is hard enough to defeat joto top 4 but this is just a waste of time to lvl a rat to lvl 100 i know about 500 things that i want to do more then doing that. so pls change it i won t lvl rat to 100 and this way i will never see your so great made hoenn. Most player will stop playing your game when they comme to this point so your hard work woud all be for nothing and your game will die over time.
  3. PRO Username: Alcatras Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? nothing What have you already tried to solve the problem? redownload / admin start / usuall stuff Description and Message the game loads and then stops at Downloading Maps 100%
  4. PRO Username: Alcatras Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Beginner What have you done before the problem was there? I searched for a Account page in the Forums but then i was thinking that the Acc in the Forum is not the same as the Acc in the Game probably so i ask here. What have you already tried to solve the problem? Description and Message Where can i watch my Acc Status? Because i can t log in even when 1551/1600 players are online. Is the login Server overheated or do i need to be Premium. If i need Premium i woud gladly pay the bugs to play the game, because you have done a amazing job with this game. Is my Acc to old maybe because i played it from the first day but wasn t that active because of work? thank you for your time greez Alcatras
  5. thx so much
  6. hey guys i have the same problem and alt + enter and load it or what ever doesent solve it. it still stays in the corner after loaded game and alt+ enter again. so I m waiting for next patch i guess or is there a solution for people like me?^^
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