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About Dung495

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  1. bump :Grin:
  2. i'll pm you as soon as possible
  3. bump :Grin:
  4. bump :Grin:
  5. Re: Shiny zoo <r><QUOTE author="Omardaley1"><s> </e></QUOTE> thanks :3 <E>:Grin:</E> <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  6. Re: Shiny zoo <r><QUOTE author="jamirakway"><s> </e></QUOTE> there's only one Machamp. wanna buy it?<e> </e></QUOTE> my offer is for the machoke jolly<e> </e></QUOTE> <br/> Only insta price sir and it's 150k</r>
  7. Re: Shiny zoo <r><QUOTE author="Kisywa"><s> </e></QUOTE> Ok, I'll pm you as soob as I can :3</r>
  8. Re: Shiny zoo <r><QUOTE author="jamirakway"><s> </e></QUOTE> there's only one Machamp. wanna buy it?</r>
  9. Hello everyone, after months collecting shinies, i find out that it's a waste of money so now, i'm selling them :3 Only insta price, if you wanna buy, find me ingame as: dung495, if i'm not online, leave a comment and i'll pm you. troll = report of course :Grin: let's start our journey to the zoo, yay! first, my friends shiny: electrode 400k gastly 300k ninetales 1,2m now, it's my turn :3 caterpie 50k grimer 50k jigglypuff 200k clefable 300k wigglytuff 200k nidorino 150k nidoqueen 300k sandslash 75k nidorina 150k golbat 30k metapod 50k venomoth 150k venonat 50k gloom 50k oddish 50k SOLD diglett 50k dugtrio 50k meowth 50k psyduck 50k persian 50k butterfree 50k kakuna 50k weedle 50k pidgey 50k golduck 100k mankey 50k pidgeotto 150k rattata 30k pigeot 150k spearow 50k raticate 50k poliwhirl 100k machamp 50k machoke 150k machop 50k poliwrath 150k arbok 100k ekans 50k sandshrew 50k fearow 50k victreebel 150k weepinbell 100k bellsprout 50k tentacruel 50k tentacool 50k poliwag 80k primeape 50k growlithe 800k geodude 30k golem 30k slowbro 800k nidoking 600k still have lots left to update :3 Thanks for visiting my zoo, come again soon, maybe next time it'll be a shiny safari :Grin: :Grin:
  10. ty very much i talk to the guard in front of cerulean cave
  11. After i beat Lance in dragon den b1f, this is what happens. https://imgur.com/QOIcQkG sr cause i don't know how to upload image here
  12. Tks everyone 4 ur help. I'll catch a new one.
  13. No, this is my second one. The first one also got this error, but after the server rebooted, i could submit it normally. :Bored:
  14. I tried but nothing has changed. :confused:
  15. When I show my duskull to Joel, he says [ERROR:function ".replace" not found or has not 2 parameters!] w. Is it some kind of bugs?
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