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Kin0619's Achievements



  1. Re: $2,000,000 PokeDollar Give-Away for 1st PRO X-MAS! <t>Merry Christmas PRO! 345<br/> <br/> hahahahaha</t>
  2. hi Nosafur, can i join the guild?
  3. hiĀ¬ I want to join the guild 1. Your ingame *PRO* name (Username): kin0619 2. what can you do for us and for the community?: poke battle 3. Your poke experience: since yellow, play PO for many yrs 4. Your age: 2x 5. Total ingame hours: 204 6. around which times are you online(CEST)/your timezone: UTC+8, day and night 7. why do you wanna join us: looking for a friendly guild 8. Are you creative: No
  4. I would like to join the this guild i have about 170hr play time so i think im a hardworking student LOL :devil:
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