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Everything posted by Shinyzar

  1. I didn't see your topic, yesterday during the downtime i've started making one in java (more pratical for muliplatform distribution). It's estetically less appealing, but it's based on the same basis (it detects the OS type, and automatically get the download, had to do some cookie tricks in order to bypass drive virus check, put all in a current folder and the current version i a file, set the exec permission and exec the file). I've tried contacting some staffer via pm, to also know if it's possible to work with them to a better infostructure (with the current resources we are very limited ) or AT LEAST to public as 3rd party tool, but i suspect i won't see a positive response. For now i'll post some screenshot. It requires java 7, for now tested on WIN64 and Linux. p.s. NVM, seems that work has not to be done.
  2. Thank you all :)
  3. Hi guys, i'm Shinyzar and just came here looking for something a little different from the usual games . For what i've seen, PRO has a lot of potential and seems very interesting ;) Looking forward to see you in game!
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