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  1. auction over, rickio wins, if u want to pm me ingame to trade when ur ready :D
  2. Will finish bidding at 8pm GMT today 9 hours and 30 minutes from this post Highest offer wins, will only be counting offers made on forum If bids are made close to end time, will extend the end time slightly to give people chance to respond if wanted.
  3. starting at 310k ms = 200k ends 8pm GMT during last half hour will be selling in trade chat aswell, if you want to track it there. After talking with friends, decided to not sell the staryu at the achieved price.
  4. NPC reappeared after ~week
  5. I completed the hoenn elite four, came to pewter to do my headbutts. Talked to Brock randomly and he asked if i wanted to start some quest. I answered no because i wanted to focus on doing other things for the time being. Now he has disappeared from pewter city and i can no longer start the quest. Is this intentional ?
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