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Everything posted by Krenis

  1. Updated! Sold Shiny Anorith to Anhcuthien2014 for B/O (Buyout): 5m I'll leave this post up for another day to see if any one really wants the 2 common shinies. If I come across anymore shinies, I may update with more info. Anyways, thanks to all who bid and congrats to those who won. :y:
  2. Updated! Equlz C/O (Current Offer): 3.9m 7:45 PM PST (7:45 AM PST = 12hrs/Win Bid/Auction)
  3. Updated! Time will still be the same for you @xrevolutionx94 10:41pm PST is what you're looking at. If no one bids any higher then it's all yours.
  4. Updated! -I'm going to change the end auction to Friday 3pm PST. -B/O (Buyouts) have been added for all shinies for those who "Really" want it. -Adding in a rule for biddings/offering -Starting now, If you are the sole holder of the C/O (Current Offer) for at least 12hrs without anyone else bidding higher, I will sell you that shiny/shinies and close off any further bids for it/them. (I will keep track of your time from when you bid based off of my time(PST))
  5. Heading to bed now, will continue to update once I get home from school tomorrow. Good Night all! :Smile:
  6. Updated! I will keep updating until 12am PST (2hrs and 14mins from now), then going to bed.
  7. Sure sounds good, You're on yellow server right? Try typing in all/help/battle/trade chat, I'll do the same. I'll try to find you.
  8. ----------------------------Selling these 4 shinies-------------------------------------- 1. Shiny Diglett S/O (Starting Offer): 20k C/O (Current Offer): ?? B/O (Buyout): 40k 2. Shiny Psyduck S/O (Starting Offer): 30k C/O (Current Offer): ?? B/O (Buyout): 50k 3. Shiny Seedot Sold to Mobifone for B/O (Buyout): 2m 4. Shiny Anorith Sold to Anhcuthien2014 for B/O (Buyout): 5m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MS Value - 400k B/O (Buyout) prices will be added later on if it takes a while to sell any of them. -----PLEASE READ------ Edited: This post will be up until Friday 3pm PST, or until all shinies are sold. Highest bidder/bidders at the end of Friday 3pm PST will win the auction/auctions and I will close this post. Edited: B/O (Buyouts) have been added for all shinies for those who "Really, Really" want it. Edited: Added Rule for Biddings/Offerings Starting now, If you are the sole holder of the C/O (Current Offer) for at least 12hrs without anyone else bidding higher, I will sell you that shiny/shinies and close off any further bids for it/them. (I will keep track of your time from when you bid based off of my time(PST)) -------------------------------- I have the rights to refuse any offers/deals if I deem it unreasonable. I'm in Pacific Standard Time(PST), so I'll try my best to check in every now and then to update offers. With that said, Happy bidding and Hope to see you all in game! :Grin:
  9. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, so let me know in the comments below if I'm wrong. I'm a new player to PRO, so I'm sorry if this has already been reported. So I have not played any Pokemon games in a while and once I got to the Hoenn region, I chose Mudkip because I saw that he was both "Water/Ground." Once I got to the 3rd gym I started to realize that electric moves were working on him, so it threw me off quite a bit. I definitely got destroyed by that gym thinking I had the advantage on my side. I just wanted to point it out that the info is wrong and could be misleading for those who are uninformed like I was. Other than that, I find myself pretty addicted to this game! You guys have done an amazing job, and I look forward to seeing how the game develops from here on out! :Smile:
  10. Sounds great, I'll be on my way! As of now this post has come to a close.
  11. Ok SnakeK I can sell it to you for 195k if you still want it. :Grin: Where do you want to meet up at? I can go to kanto and Johto, not hoenn yet.
  12. Current highest offer 185k - IGN: MyOwner
  13. S/O = Starting offer B/0 = Buy Out
  14. Selling Membership S/O 150k or B/O 200k, Message me IGN: Krenis or if I'm not on leave a message here. Edited: I'll close this post in about 2 hours and the highest bidder gets it or until someone B/O(Buys Out). Post Closed: MS going over to SnakeK for 195k! :y:
  15. What a coincidence! My old mouse recently stopped working like it used to, so I ended up using one of those old dell wired mouse from back in the day as a replacement for now. Would be awesome if I won, but I know my chances are extremely unlikely haha. Always good to see you Devs interacting with the community. Means a lot to us as players. PRO is an incredible game with awesome Devs, what more can you ask for! :Smile: IGN: Krenis
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