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Everything posted by Klngice

  1. Re: NEW GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming} <t>1-KlngIce<br/> 2-All badges / 425h <br/> 3- I want to join illusion because it seems fun and i like beeing apart of a guild ;3<br/> 4- Have discord<br/> 5-Lugia<br/> 6-Yes</t>
  2. WTB Epic H.A modest eevee/sylveon (up to 2m :Angel: )
  3. SOLD <r><QUOTE author="KlngIce"><s> </e></QUOTE></r>
  4. Re: WTS EPIC PVP MILOTIC ELECTIVIRE INFERNAPE HYDREIGON <r><QUOTE author="azaz1010"><s> </e></QUOTE> accept my invitacion</r>
  5. WTS Epic Bold Milotic - 1.3m ( SOLD ) WTS Epic Timid Hydreigon - 1.2m WTS Epic Infernape - 1m Add me ingame - Klngice
  6. Re: [New Shop] Black's Boutique! (10/09 shroomish h.a aron chansey bull...) <t>wtb bulbasour 17/17/6/21/28/25</t>
  7. want to buy tailow
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