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About Darkhaehnchen

  • Birthday 12/15/1994

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Darkhaehnchen's Achievements

Junior Trainer

Junior Trainer (3/12)



  1. Just a heads up for your Information. Shiny Legendaries cant be bought, they are only staffrewards. And especially Rare Shinys are worth more then 800k (2 CCs) generally
  2. When are you aviable for a trade?
  3. 275k and we have a deal
  4. Sorry, haven't seen it yesterday! I'll tell you when I am back from work, but they both were bad afaik //in theory you could use a HP Generator and put in the ivs to get the hp Level 15 HP Electric, Level 29 HP Ghost @Bankman
  5. That is too low, sorry
  6. @Woshishui online now
  7. Hey, I am coming online rn!
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