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Posts posted by Vajdoch

  1. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting][Red Server]


    <r>● Name/IGN: Vajdpch<br/>

    ● Are you active in Discord? : I am new <E>:Angel:</E> .<br/>

    ● Where are you from? : Im from Slovakia<br/>

    ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? : 881 hour. I play very often.<br/>

    ● What's your goal in PRO? : Be good pvp player!<br/>

    ● Why do you want to be part of Reborn? : I like to meet new people. Learn something new about pvp. Help to raise our community.</r>

  2. I wanted to use Shiftry in pvp with Leaf Blade but i figured that its pre-evolution move. Problem is that Nuzleaf cant learnt it yet so I have to use Seed Bomb which is worste. I have suggestion: Shiftry can leart Leaf Blade. Why? Players can use it in pvp and when Leaf Blade for Nuzleaf is in game the players can learn it (by movetutor, TM). It will be good because they will not have to wait for Nuzleaf's move :Shy:. What do you thing about it?


    Sorry for my English. :thanks:

  3. I battled with boss. I have magnezone. Garchomp was faster and used dig, my magnezone used magnet rise. Next turn Garchomp hit and killed my magnezone :confused: !!! Its impassible, because dig is ground type attack ! So i tried with the player. The player had rattata. My magnezone was faster

    and it used magnet rise, his rattata used dig. Next turn my magnezone attacked with flash cannon and missed, (because rattata was under ground) rattata didnt hit me :Angel: . So i gave macho brace to my magnezone. The second time rattata was faster than my magnezone, it used dig and my poke used magnet rise. And what happed ? Next turn rattata hit my magnezone :Nervous: . Sorry for my english . Fix it please

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