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About Zeroheroes

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  1. Re: WTS 31atk Salamence and Excadrill <t>bump :P</t>
  2. There is a bug where if you complete the quiz, the player is back in the map not on the surf mount. Not a big issue but a bit annoying.
  3. Re: WTS 31atk Salamence and Excadrill <t>Sold the Sand Rush Excadrill</t>
  4. Sold --
  5. Re: WTS Dragonair h.a 31 atk def 26 spd!!! <t>150k :)</t>
  6. Re: WTS Epic Relaxed Torkoal with H.A and 4x 30+iv <t>400k for it</t>
  7. Re: WTS Epic Relaxed Torkoal with H.A and 4x 30+iv <t>280k bid for it</t>
  8. Re: Shyntil's PvP Shop - Untrained mostly <t>200k for rattle magikarp to start it off :3</t>
  9. Good idea, also use pokemons based on that region too to make it more challenging?
  10. Re: Miles' Spawn Guide (updated) <t>This post is out of date...<br/> Why is it still tagged as updated</t>
  11. thanks for the help :) Hard to understand the market at the moment as i only started a month ago :D
  12. Need help price checking this azumarill
  13. Supported!
  14. Re: wts godly timid charmander <t>i offer 150k</t>
  15. Few more hours till i will close this topic and sell to the highest bidder
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