Hello PRO Community!
My name is Denuth but most people call me D.
I'm 26 and have been PC gaming since I was 8. I began my love of Pokemon in 3rd grade? So long ago can't remember anymore haha. Played up to Heart Gold and recently found PRO. Been enjoying myself for some time now on the Yellow server as Denuth on there. I just wanted to finally introduce myself to the community sense it has been so kind to me. I'll be around! Feel free to hit me up if you want to grind some EXP or something in the lower areas. Only have 2 badges so far but I'm moving along the best I can with a 5 month old =P I also develop things from time to time, have experience in Blender, Bulldozer, Unity, UE4, Android Studio (new to this one), and other various tools and platforms. If ya ever need a hand, I might be able to help,but maybe not =P
Hope to see you in-game!