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  1. Migno


    Guys, if you bot accept it. Whats the point about complaining ? You all knew the risk, dont try to use "i got stuck" or "i didnt bot". Shane got a way to detect it... why are you all acting like "i know about nothing.."
  2. Can you fight him again ? If so, go into battle and simply disconnect while midbattle, you will get teleported to the last Pokecenter used. ( I know this is a bug but you wont get out there without any help ) Congratz on getting stuck like this :)
  3. Make sure the problem is still there after a relog. Have you tried to talk to the NPC where it should be ? ( This includes that you know where the NPC standing on )
  4. Same problem for almost 3 day now. But a whise man said once: "Patience is a virtue" - It will get better :)
  5. Welcome to PRO, have a nice stay !
  6. The servers are locked for maintance, Thats the only thing i can imagine or there are just restarting :)
  7. Thanks everyone for the welcome :) Already kinda in love with the community, even when im just a "silent reader" so far :D
  8. Welcome, enjoy your stay here
  9. Welcome, enjoy your stay here.
  10. im pretty sure you can sell bought stuff like the Membership thing, but not sure about mounts or clothes.
  11. Did he just said that you are tradebanned and did you actually tested trading ? What server are you playing on ?
  12. Hey guys, its been a few days since i started playin PRO and i really want to participate here on the forums, sadly it loads extremly slow.... So is there any information where the forum is hosted so i can rely the slow loading speed on that or is it just because there are that many requests? I live in germany btw, and heres my Internetspeed ( if you want / need them ):
  13. Thanks budds
  14. Hey guys, since im new to PRO and want to participate in the community i thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself. So, my name ist Marcel, im 21 years old and live in a small town in germany. Im a Webdeveloper on a freelance base and occupy all "local store websites" as done by me :D Furthermore I deal with a lot of graphic requests for festivals, events all around my spot here... On my freetime i like to moderate communities as sort of "helping hand" and "supervisor" for other moderators, so i got a lot of experience in "user handling" and stuff like that. If you got any questions, feel free to ask :)
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