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About Armonite

  • Birthday 06/15/1997

Personal Information

  • Career
    Computer Engineer
  • IGN
  • Occupation
    Computer Engineer

Armonite's Achievements



  1. Its just because it might not be coded yet. You know the game is still in beta.
  2. Re: R3vo - The Triumphant Return <t>Hello my IGN is Armonite<br/> I don't know if i can apply for a particular post like an elder if possible or a normal member would be fine<br/> My In game hours are 105 hrs 18 minutes<br/> I promise to abide by the rules of the R3vo guild.<br/> Please do consider my application.<br/> Regards,<br/> Armonite</t>
  3. Any idea when it'll be done?
  4. Armonite

    The Normal Club

    Hey my name ign is Armonite I'm playing PRO since a month I'm 18 yrs old and looking for a fun guild to join your guild seems the right one for me. So please do consider my apllication I would like the post of an executive or a commander or any post as per your wish. Regards, Armonite
  5. Re: [PSE] Pokemon Super Elites <t>do we have an in-game guild?</t>
  6. Armonite

    Re: Mt. Goon

    Re: Mt. Goon: May's Edition <r><QUOTE author="Miles"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hello! What time + time zone are you usually online?<e> </e></QUOTE> The time zone is +5:30</r>
  7. Re: [PSE] Pokemon Super Elites <t>Hey Issac do we have an in-game icon yet like the other guild? <br/> And thanks for choosing me for the post of officer!<br/> Regards,<br/> Armonite</t>
  8. Re: [PSE] Pokemon Super Elites <t>Hey Issac do we have an in-game icon yet like the other guild?</t>
  9. Re: [PSE] Pokemon Super Elites <t>My ign is Armonite <br/> I'm 18 years old.<br/> I'm a collector as well as trainer i believe in strength and want to be the strongest there is.<br/> I want to apply for the post of officer or a member as you people wish.<br/> My favorite pokemon is Gengar.<br/> Basically this guild meets all of my requirements and this is a strong guild and you guys have an opening and I'm wanna join a strong guild and I basically wish to grow further with you guys and your awesome guild.<br/> Please do consider my application.<br/> Regards,<br/> Armonite.</t>
  10. Armonite

    Re: Mt. Goon

    Re: Mt. Goon: Four Star Edition <t>My ign is Armonite i have yet to defeat the e4 all my pokemon are strong and would like to be a part of your highly reputed guild <br/> Please do consider my application.<br/> Regards,<br/> Armonite</t>
  11. Hello I just started playing this game three days ago! My username is Armonite and I want to be friends with everyone! I have played every pokemon game until now and I must say this game is excellent I have tried many MMO's on the internet and so far I found this the best Pokemon MMO ever.
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