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Everything posted by Metalgreymon

  1. hi Rotom Timid which hidden ?
  2. Bump
  3. Finish.
  4. hey, I want my pokemon
  5. Hi, trade for pokemon. I win
  6. What hidde Power ?
  7. Start Offer- 600K Insta Bid - 4M Minimum Raise - 100K Duration of auction - 48H after a start bid has been made! Accepted Payments Pokedollar Reroll = 700k Nature Reroll = 350k Coin Capsule = 370k Master Ball = 45k Rare Candy = 7k Offer here or in-game! Good Luck everyone!
  8. Hi people! Enjoy the auction! RULES 1. I only accept Pokedollars, Coin Capsules and Reroll Tickets. Coin Capsule = 400K Reroll Nature = 350K Reroll Ticket = 700K Ability Capsule = 700k 2. No fake offer. 3. You cannot cancel your offer. 4. The auction will last 96 hours after the first bid (Starting price). https://postimg.cc/WFCcsXSQ Starting price: 100k Minimum bid: 50K Insta price: 1M
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