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About Arcueides

  • Birthday 07/30/1986

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  1. Re: Miles' Spawn Guide (updated) <t>Hi, <br/> <br/> Just to let you know, that Meditite in burned tower floor 2 appears at night.<br/> <br/> Thanks for you great work.</t>
  2. Hello, I'd like to sell my shiny absol mount. Leave a message ;)
  3. Same issue over here, exept my character is going to the right. :thanks:
  4. Thank's a lot, seemed sketchy too :)
  5. Hello, I heard someone say on the help chat ingame that the starter pokemon, if discarted by mistake could be reobtained by talking to Pr. Oak Is it true? Does that mean you can keep tossing your starter until you get a shiny one? Or at least one with a good nature and good IV's? Thanks for your help. Sorry if the question is dumb, couldn't find answers elsewhere.
  6. See you made me feel better ;) Thx guys!
  7. Hello! Just need to do a bit of catharsis, I ran away from a shiny Golbat and having trouble getting passed it :Nervous: Just to be clear, i'm not criticizing game mechanics or asking for anything, i messed up, its my bad, just wanted to know if it ever happened to you guys ;) Make me feel better tell me i'm not alone ! :thanks:
  8. Is there a more recent guide photos are gone makes it difficult. :thanks:
  9. I'm stuck on loading map screen too :(
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